Question about Humminbird zerolines SD card for mapping

  • John West
    Posts: 10

    I’m looking into purchasing a decent fish finder and graph for my boat. I’m looking at some Helix GPS models that offer the autochart feature. The feature seems awesome for what I’m trying to use a graph for, but I’m conflicted on one thing. How many hours/how much storage will the zero lines card hold? I’m aware the internal storage will hold roughly 8 hours of mapping and then start to delete old mapping while laying down new contours. I heard online that the card will map and hold 100 hours of mapping, is this correct? I’d assume it’d hold more. thanks for any response.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1415

    That is correct what I basically got from there tech support is that it would be very hard to fill the card.

    The Real Joe Blow
    Posts: 30

    It should hold way more than 100 hours. Humminbird doesn’t publish the exact specs but everyone including them always say that it will hold more than anyone can possibly map in a lifetime. 100 hours is only ~12x more than what the unit holds. You can fill the unit in a day, and 100 hours in 2 weeks. So unless you have a really short lifetime, it will hold way more than 100 hours worth. My guess would be closer to 10,000 hours worth.


    SE MN
    Posts: 192

    Definitely more than 100 hours. I have been charting on my zeroline card since 2018 (5 seasons). I backup the mapping files in case the card fails for any reason and I just checked the size of the folder and it shows 16.7 MB on 244 files.

    Posts: 823

    While not unlimited, you will not fill it..

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