QAD Customer Service Rave

  • Ryan Scholl
    Posts: 148

    Just needed to give a shout out to QAD archery products.

    The other night I was out shooting my bow and I noticed a small crack in the launcher of my arrow rest. I searched the internet, and couldn’t find a replacement to buy. I emailed QAD asking if I could purchase one from them. I told them the rest is 5 years old, and I don’t know when or how the crack happened. The Ultrarest Hunter only has a 90 day Warranty. The next day I got an email saying a new launcher is in the mail, no questions asked. Can’t beat service like that!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    Good to know, I have a quad integrated on the phase 4, I went eplison on the lift to try something different

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1161

    QAD is good stuff. I’ve been back and forth between them and Hamskea on my last 4-5 bows and I think I’ll be sticking with QAD. Absolutely no issues with any of my Hamskeas and I know that when the rubber meets the road they’re probably more bullet proof, but I like how the QAD functions better, and until I have a reason to stop using them I’ll keep giving them a go.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894

    Prime, QAD and HHA I have used all their customer service and have been impressed, which is why I hunt with their stuff. Prime is still sending me free cables and strings for a 13 year old bow every 2 years. Have a hard time replacing it when it gets serviced better then my car.

    Full draw
    Posts: 1666

    I shot QAD for years. They do have a great warranty.
    2012 I broke the keeper arm off on my ultra rest while hunting mule deer. Took it into scheels and they put a new one on with no questions asked.
    2013 I bought a new bow and a new QAD rest. After a couple of months of shooting it felt like the spring broke. Took it into a dealer in Ohio and they put a new one with no questions asked.

    For some reason when I bought my Phase 4 I decided to go with Hamskea. Don’t have any complaints but nothing has broke yet either.

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