Pups first heat questions

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    My golden went into her first heat this weekend and it’s coming on strong today. Is there any activity I should avoid? I had her out hunting yesterday and I plan on taking her to the game farm this week and of course daily walks. She just recently acquired full run of the house day and night and now she’s back to the kennel and doesn’t know why. (

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I would keep a very, very close eye on her. Male dogs are hornballs, and it doesn’t take long! I wouldn’t put her outside alone.

    Great Laker
    Posts: 68

    Besides the obvious, I’d check to watch her squatting frequency when she’s going #1 outside. My golden almost always got a UTI when she was in heat. I didn’t know the symptoms to look for during her first heat cycle and luckily the breeder caught it and filled me in.

    If she is squatting to go pee multiple times when she’s outside, it is a sign of the onset of a UTI/bladder infection. A lot of times they will squat and no or very little urine will come out. Another sign is them sitting by the door and/or wanting to go outside more frequently than normal.

    It is easily cured by some antibiotics and probiotics from the vet, but if you don’t catch it, your dog is going to be going thru a lot of unnecessary pain.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    You could get her fixed and then that problem goes away permanently

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    You could get her fixed and then that problem goes away permanently

    Definitely going to. My trusted vet recommends going through at least one heat cycle first. Something about hormones and avoiding certain sickness/cancer later on? Our last golden lived 15 years and that’s what we did but it was so long ago I cant remember all the details. I dont even remember how we handled it with our 9 year old! My GOD. Thankfully my memory is failing faster than my aim! I have an email to my vet now. Maybe it will happen this winter so the cone of shame turns into a snow cone! jester

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Ya that problem gets old quick they are just jacked up with all kinds of hormones. Smart move Suzuki

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    We just put doggy diapers on her and its hilarious. But functional. She is allowing it and can spend more time outside her kennel in the house.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1094

    We just put doggy diapers on her and its hilarious. But functional. She is allowing it and can spend more time outside her kennel in the house.

    My friends had to use a diaper, and then went to Walmart and found a baby onesie to go over the top. The dog didn’t necessarily like the onesie, but it did a great job keeping the diaper on. They did the same after being spayed to avoid needing the cone.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1743

    And have the conversation with your vet regarding the spleen issues that are popping up. If he/she doesn’t have a problem with it staying during/after the spay, go for it!!! Espcially considering your luck with goldens seems to better than ours over here.


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