Pumpkin Pie

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Got up early to make these so I could go deer hunting later. Crappy pre-made crust but with pumpkin pie its all about the guts and this recipe is the best I ever had. It’s similar to Libby’s but a slight improvement in my opinion.

    Pumpkin Pie

    1 c sugar
    ½ t allspice
    ½ t salt
    ½ t cloves
    1 ½ t cinnamon
    ½ t nutmeg
    ½ t ginger
    1 ½ c pumpkin
    12 oz can evap milk
    2 eggs
    uncooked pie crust

    Mix until smooth. Place in uncooked pie shell Bake pre heated 425 for 20 min Lower heat to 350 Bake 35 min to firm

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    2. IMG_20211124_085741480-scaled.jpg

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Nice. I’m making mine after work. waytogo

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Mmmm those look delicious!

    Posts: 2960

    Man, I love me some pumpkin pie! Can’t wait for tomorrow!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    my wife is planning on making one and wont do it till like later! doah she thinks there wont be any left whistling whistling devil

    not whipped cream though!!!!!! icky!!!

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1420

    Pumpkin Pie is my favorite!! Banana Cream a close second. Those two pies look great!
    I’m with Glenn though.. None of that whipped cream crap!

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    I ask my wife to make me a pumpkin pie every fall. She always declines.

    Posts: 2960

    This will no doubt be controversial – I don’t mind it with whipped cream, but even better on Pumpkin Pie is Cool Whip. (And you can’t say it without the emphasis “whhhhhh” ) rotflol

    This is just the way it was growing up for me and while it’s nothing but high fructose corn syrup and additives, it’s the ONLY way to eat pumpkin pie in my book.

    Let my culinary crucifixion commence!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    The only way to eat pumpkin pie is with a tub of Cool Whhhhhhip! And yes, ThunderLund I’m putting emphasis in the “h” just like Stewie! waytogo

    1. cool-whhhhip.jpg

    Posts: 2960

    The only way to eat pumpkin pie is with a tub of Cool Whhhhhhip! And yes, ThunderLund I’m putting emphasis in the “h” just like Stewie! waytogo

    There we go, Sharon! Now we’re gettin’ somewhere!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I limit myself on sweets but I ain’t stopping till they disappear. First piece is Gooooone!

    Posts: 1719

    The only way to eat pumpkin pie is with a tub of Cool Whhhhhhip! And yes, ThunderLund I’m putting emphasis in the “h” just like Stewie! waytogo

    When I was a kid. The family tradition at Gramas was. The whip cream was passed around the table. Then my piece was put in the bowl with what was left. But it was real whipped cream, in a mixing bowl. Still love it, but not had the real thing in a long time.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11138

    Nothin better than reaching in the fridge the next day, grabbin a piece right outta the tin and eating it like a cookie.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    My wife made these yesterday. No harm has been done….yet! devil

    1. IMG_20211125_100147793_HDR-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 5321

    It’s weird I will absolutely throw down some pumpkin muffins, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin spice creamer w my coffee, but actual pumpkin pie I’ll take a hard pass on. Think it’s a texture thing, or I’m just weird, most likely the latter.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 954

    I’m a heathen when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. I hate pumpkin pie and don’t care for turkey. The turkey’s only redeeming value is the gravy it supplies for the 2 best parts of the meal, mashed potatoes and stuffing/dressing!

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