Left to my own devices, I never play pull tabs. Never even occurs to me.
But when we go out with the other hockey/soccer/archery league parents, they always want to play. So luckily I happened on a strategy–let Mrs. Grouse open them. She’s up $500 from the last two outings. Mrs. Grouse is not from around these parts and before about a year ago, had never even played a pulltab.
To top it off, after the last little parental bar strategy session before a fundraiser at my son’s school, Mrs. Grouse just won $103 at pull tabs. She then figures, ok share the wealth, so she buys 10 raffle tickets at the fundraiser. Obviously, there could be but one outcome. Her $1000 first prize check arrived in the mail last week.
In case you’re wondering, there would be a 0.000000000% chance of me ever being able to pull off that stunt. I won a cake once at the church fall festival when I was 9 and the cream cheese frosting was bad and got everyone sick.