Public Safety Alert Last Night?

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Did anyone else get a Public Safety Alert Last Night on their iPhone? The message stated “Missing Vulnerable Adult Found” This was at 10:15PM. (TC Metro MN area)

    The strange thing about this alert is it overrode all of my iPhone settings. I have alerts turned off and silence my ringer at the end of the day. This alarm was at full volume on both my phone and my wife’s phone with a never heard before screeching/bleeping sound!

    You would have thought we were being bombed by Russia. But no, useless information that got me up and out of bed to see WTF was going on. chased

    Anyone else?


    Posts: 24606

    The strange thing about this alert is it overrode all of my iPhone settings.

    I didnt get it, but that isnt strange at all. Those public service announcements do that such as Amber Alerts etc. There is a planned one coming on oct 4th as a National test so dont be alarmed when that happens.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    Didn’t get the one you are talking about but got an amber alert last fall about 9am while I was sitting in a tree bow hunting. Started scrambling digging through layers trying to shut it off. Thankfully there wasn’t a buck standing in front of me.
    I get the point of it but it should not override my settings.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I get the point of it but it should not override my settings.

    I guess I am going to be that guy here, so sorry. What if the amber alert was about your daughter or grand daughter. Wouldn’t you want the message to get out no matter if you screwed up someone’s hunt. I do understand why it would upset someone, but in the big picture I guess I think its a good thing.

    Posts: 24606

    I guess I am going to be that guy here, so sorry. What if the amber alert was about your daughter or grand daughter. Wouldn’t you want the message to get out no matter if you screwed up someone’s hunt. I do understand why it would upset someone, but in the big picture I guess I think its a good thing.

    I agree with this 100%. It might be an inconvenience or irritating for a couple seconds but in the grand scheme of things its a good thing.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    While I can agree with the above scenario… (I remember the alert I received when my cousins grand daughter, Alayna Ertl went missing frown ) …. Alerting about an adult, that you didn’t know was missing in the first place in the middle of the night is a stretch and abuse of the system and its intended use. coffee

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I hope they found your cousins grand daughter Big G. I agree there probably was not a need to blast an alert about a found missing adult even though vulnerable, I assume they had the family’s contact and were just letting people that may have been searching for them to stop and that could have waited until the morning at the very least.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    They did, but it was a terrible outcome. frown


    Posts: 24606

    They did, but it was a terrible outcome.

    OMG Big_g! They should have just put a bullet in that SOB

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1005

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Red Eye wrote:</div>
    I get the point of it but it should not override my settings.

    I guess I am going to be that guy here, so sorry. What if the amber alert was about your daughter or grand daughter. Wouldn’t you want the message to get out no matter if you screwed up someone’s hunt. I do understand why it would upset someone, but in the big picture I guess I think its a good thing.

    I’m not saying the notification should not be used. I think it is a great thing. But I can still fell the vibration in my pocket when my phone is set to silent. And as far as the notification that day. It was from the south metro if I remember right and I was in northern MN.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I didn’t get it but if I did often in the middle of the night I would start powering my phone down when I went to bed.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    They did, but it was a terrible outcome.

    Wow thats horrible and disgusting. Agree with CaptainMusky bullet in the head is what he deserves and that would be the nice thing to do

    Posts: 24606

    Wow thats horrible and disgusting. Agree with CaptainMusky bullet in the head is what he deserves and that would be the nice thing to do

    They should be doing a lot more of that IMO. Waste of our hard earned money to keep them around.

    Posts: 37

    I get the point of it but it should not override my settings.

    You can turn off Amber Alerts, Public Safety Alerts, and System Test Alerts in your notification settings.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    They did, but it was a terrible outcome

    Sorry to hear that bud. We really need to have capitol punishment in cases like these. What a piece of garbage.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Damn Big G. I’m sorry you and your family had to go through something that awful. I can’t imagine having to deal with something like that.

    Posts: 1822

    I never get the vulnerable adult and sometimes don’t get Amber alerts, but I always get the Silver Fox alerts for old people and their missing Buicks.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    Bullet in the head…… X10

    Posts: 3319

    So very sorry for you and your family big g. That is just tragic.
    That pervert should of been executed but before that he should of been castrated with a pair of dull scissors. flame

    Posts: 6631

    Big-G, I remember when that happened.

    There is a special place in hell for people like that, and an even more special place in heaven for children.

    If I could give you a hug right now I would

    Posts: 2816

    To hell with a bullet in the head!

    Castration without anesthesia and weekly “five minute alone” sessions for everyone affected who wants to participate, for life.

    Sorry G cry

    Posts: 2816

    And yeah I got the alert. Made a (bad) joke to my buddy right then, saying, “you can relax, they found me.” chased

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