Working in the fish house the other day I decided to fire up my big buddy just to see how well it heated the shack. I bring it along on trips as backup to my backup (first backup is 2- 1500w electric milk house heaters). These backups are just in case my furnace takes a crap on a trip. So far knock on wood, I’ve only had furnace trouble twice and I’ve been able to troubleshoot and fix the problem before needing the backup. Anyways, I got a slight headache and felt lightheaded but just thought it was the Busch Light on an empty stomach. This week I got to thinking about it and I thought what If it was carbon monoxide when I went on a C.O. call out at work. So I decided I better check that out. Fired it up today and had my CGI turned on. I checked on it 1/2 hour later when I walked by the FH and heard the alarm going off. It wasn’t CO that was making me light headed, the heater was depleting the oxygen. Take this warning how you want. I’m still going to bring it along as 3rd backup, but I will never let my family go to sleep with this as our main source of heat. 1/2 hour in it went from 20.5% oxygen to 18.6%. That’s with the ceiling fan running so I know the air was well mixed. And the CGI was not right next to the heater. It was all the way across the fish house.

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