We typically tow from 1 hour to 6 hours, man I wish I had fishable water 20 mins from my house! cover it is…thanks
I have always used transom savers since our 1989 Ranger 680T Fisherman with a 60hp came with one.
On my second trip with it, I got rear ended, the impact pushed me from a full stop at a red light 1/2 into the intersection.
Took of 2 blades and 3/4 of my skeg off, folded my transom saver.. The repair guy told me that it was the transom saver that saved my boat it transferred the force onto the trailer and not the transom.
I didn’t have a single pressure crack, even around the mounting bolts which shocked me!..
With that said that model had a wooden transom, now most glass boats don’t have wood in there so maybe they are stronger. Which why I asked the question 
Do you think bouncing in water has more force that say a “free” bounce when a boat is on the trailer?
I would think there is more force when there is no drag from the water.. but I don’t know that’s why I’m asking.. man those 300hp 4 strokes are big motors not to support LOL! it typical to not use a transom saver?