Propane Tanks

  • niteryder
    Posts: 3

    Aside from the space issue and potential leaky tank, any reasons not to have your propane tank inside a wheel house? It’s too cold here to leave it out.

    Posts: 5139

    The safety relief valve. If the temperature of the tank rises too quickly allowing the internal pressures to rise it could set off the safety relief valve releasing propane into the house. Can be a very dangerous situation.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    propane will remain liquid,not producing vapor at about -40 farenhiet,any temp above that should produce vapor so there should be very few days where leaving it outside would be an issue.But as stated above when brought into a warm building can expand and pop pressure relief valve,making for a very dangerous situation.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1072

    The pressure relief is there to protect the tank from exploding in a fire or of over filled. If you have freezing issues with your tank outside (and it’s warmer than -30f) than you have a regulator issue. If it’s colder than that maybe you could keep it in a separate area of the shack that has some ventilation while keeping it relatively warm.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    What kind of question are you asking here…seriously?

    “It’s too cold here to leave it out.” lol

    Always have the big tanks outside with the “big” fish house…

    1. lake-mille-lacs-ice-fishing-fish-house-rental-27.jpg

    Posts: 1279

    I have never seen a residence with an internally mounted propane tank. And I have seen many homes north of the border with tanks outside.

    Put your tank outside. Your offspring and grand offspring will thank you!

    No charge for this beneficial advice!


    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    Aside from the space issue and potential leaky tank, any reasons not to have your propane tank inside a wheel house? It’s too cold here to leave it out.

    if tank is left inside all the time it should be ok. we all use 1# tanks inside all the time. heck I bet a bunch of people use up to 20 and 30 pounders inside a portable house. if you are having issues with freezing think about a larger tank.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Put your tank outside. Your offspring and grand offspring will thank you!

    I had two 20# tanks filled a few winters ago. Put them in the garage. As spring came around and in the late afternoon I could smell gas.

    Checked everything…nothing was leaking. The tanks were not connected to anything.

    The following day I notice the sunlight was making it through the garage and lighting up one of the tanks. Yes, then I heard the faint hiss of propane leaking.

    Might have been filled too much? I don’t know, but my tanks are stored outside now.

    Just because some people get by storing tanks inside and get away with it, doesn’t mean I’m going to take a gamble.

    Your call.

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