Propane in canada ?\'s

  • Brady Valberg
    Posts: 326

    Anyone hve any info as far as how much propane a guy can bring into canada?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    We’ve crossed in the summer with 2 – 30 pound tanks for summer cabin use and they never gave them second glance or asked about them.

    Be aware that in my experience the Canadians are super anal about the tank expiration dates and won’t fill anything that’s out of proof. Around here they don’t even give the proof stamp a glance, but up there they look at every tank, every time, every place that I’ve had propane filled.


    Cameron white
    Posts: 516

    No limit on propane. Make sure your tanks are valid.

    Yann Brahic
    Posts: 2

    I’M canadian and I confirm the info… I tried to sneak an old 10 pounder … got caught and got reimbursed. They always check.

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Ditto on the valve expiration date on your P tanks. They wont fill expired ones

    Good rule of thumb – if you can justify the quantity for the duration of your stay, you’ll be fine. It would be hard to justify two 100lbs tanks in the middle of July.. just an example that would raise some eyebrows roll

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