I’m 41, and I have literally never had to have a propane tank filled (I’m a charcoal diehard). Our gas fire table needs a refill. Do most people exchange for a new tank or have them filled (typical 20-lb tank)? Any benefits either way? Anything to look out for?
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Propane: Fill vs. Exchange
May 25, 2022 at 2:28 pm #2126683
If it’s a nice clean tank I just have my 20 filled at tractor supply for for 12.99 if it’s a older rusty tank I exchange at kwik trip for 19.99.
Mine sit for half a year at a pop. Only propane I burn is for my ice shack
May 25, 2022 at 2:31 pm #2126684Easy to just exchange it. Menards actually has an auto exchange cage by their front doors where you can just pay, the cage opens up and you place your empty in it and pull out a full tank. No need to even go inside..
May 25, 2022 at 2:38 pm #2126685If you already own the tank, just fill it.
I’m not sure, will the exchange services accept a tank that isn’t theirs?
I use a lot of LP for grilling and portable heaters, so I like to have 2 extra tanks around. Much cheaper to own the tanks and if you can pick where you fill there are some places that fill cheaper than the exchange price.
Posts: 1499AnotherFisherman
Posts: 701May 25, 2022 at 2:48 pm #2126687If you have a nice tank, find a place that fills it. Usually a few bucks cheaper
May 25, 2022 at 2:52 pm #2126688I’m not sure, will the exchange services accept a tank that isn’t theirs?
I received 5 tanks (20lbs) from a co-worker that were in pretty rough shape, externally. No idea when they were filled last or re certified. so, I’ve always just exchanged them & I’ve never had anyone tell me I couldn’t. If I want to fill it, I just cut the Blue Rhino wrapper off and bring it to the co-op. IDK if its right or not, but I switched out tanks I “owned”, I’m going to keep the ones I’ve exchanged.
To the OP, I’ve always exchanged them knowing (maybe thinking) I’m getting a good, certified, full tank back. I’ve had to many instances where the person at the counter doesn’t know how to fill the tank or you have to wait a half hour until they are able to come out to fill it. IMHO what’s a few bucks to walk in the store, pay, grab new tanks and go.
May 25, 2022 at 2:57 pm #2126689If you already own the tank, just fill it.
I’m not sure, will the exchange services accept a tank that isn’t theirs?
I use a lot of LP for grilling and portable heaters, so I like to have 2 extra tanks around. Much cheaper to own the tanks and if you can pick where you fill there are some places that fill cheaper than the exchange price.
Yes you can exchange any brand tank or tanks with out labels. You can exchange old rusted tanks for brand new and it’s only 20 bucks. Filling at holiday near me is a night mare but tractor supply is easy fast and cheap. My exchanges are at kwik trip just because it’s next to the house
May 25, 2022 at 2:57 pm #2126690I’m 41, and I have literally never had to have a propane tank filled
That’s crazy!!
Reef W
Posts: 3166May 25, 2022 at 3:01 pm #2126692A lot of exchanges are only 15lb in the tank now. Just be aware of that when comparing prices.
May 25, 2022 at 3:04 pm #2126694Ive been exchanging for years but need to get back to filling. More and cheaper.
Posts: 1122May 25, 2022 at 3:08 pm #2126695In almost every circumstance it makes more sense to get them filled. Not only are you getting more, but you are saving money.
$20 for 15lbs 1.33/lb
$15 for 20lbs .75/lbAs mentioned, if your tank is old and rusty an exchange every now and then is nice. Honestly the extra 5lbs in a refill is worth more than the money I save. Less trips to the store in which I’ll mostly likely buy more crap inside.
May 25, 2022 at 3:08 pm #2126696as others have mentioned, I’ll too swap tanks if mine is getting dirry/rusty, but refilling gives you 1-2 pounds more propane in your tank…
May 25, 2022 at 3:14 pm #2126699If your tank is over 12 years old they may not refill it without it getting recertified. In that case exchange it at Kwick Trip, Menards or Wal Mart.
Reef W
Posts: 3166May 25, 2022 at 3:23 pm #2126701Another thing with refills is that some places are flat rate vs paying for how much you actually get. If you’re empty it doesn’t matter of course but finding somewhere you pay per gallon is best if you want to be able to top it off.
May 25, 2022 at 4:05 pm #2126705If you read the fine print at an exchange place – 16 or 17# in refill. Not 20. I get 20 at refill.
May 25, 2022 at 4:07 pm #2126706Tanks can only be filled to 80% and the valves used on 20lb tanks should prevent overfilling then. A 80% full 20lb tank should weigh 16lbs more than the tare weight marked on the tanks collar
May 25, 2022 at 4:25 pm #2126707If you read the fine print at an exchange place – 16 or 17# in refill. Not 20. I get 20 at refill.
Doubtful. Tanks are never filled 100 percent. You might get 16# maybe 17. That’s the same story everywhere
Posts: 4790May 25, 2022 at 5:12 pm #2126710i use 30# tanks and always get mine refilled. i have never seen a place that excahnges 30# tanks. and yes the tanks are never filled 100% no matter what route you go
Jimmy Jones
Posts: 3171May 25, 2022 at 5:12 pm #2126711Jeremy is right. And if you come in with a tank with the old-style knob/valve they will not fill it. Illegal.
Reef W
Posts: 3166May 25, 2022 at 5:21 pm #2126712Tanks can only be filled to 80% and the valves used on 20lb tanks should prevent overfilling then. A 80% full 20lb tank should weigh 16lbs more than the tare weight marked on the tanks collar
Is that right? The water capacity of a 20lb tank is 47.6 lbs which is about 5.7 gallons. I think the actual regulation is you can put in 42% of the water capacity for propane. 42% of 47.6 is 19.992lbs which is why it’s a “20lb” tank and (depending on temperature maybe?) you get around 4.6 gallons of liquid propane. 16lbs would be under 4 gallons.
Edit: and 80% of 5.7 is 4.56. I think the 80% full thing is just a much easier to remember rule of thumb but misinterpreted as being 80% of 20lbs rather than 80% of the water capacity.
May 25, 2022 at 5:34 pm #2126715Tanks can only be filled to 80% and the valves used on 20lb tanks should prevent overfilling then. A 80% full 20lb tank should weigh 16lbs more than the tare weight marked on the tanks collar
Where are you getting that information?
Tank capacity is based entirely upon the “WC” number stamped on the tank. A tank with a “WC” of 47.8 is “full” when filled with 20 lbs of LP. A tank with a “WC” of 38.2 would be “full” when filled with 16lbs of LP.
Not every tank is created equal, one needs to inspect each tank to find the “WC” number stamped on that tank. The “WC” number is required by Federal regulations to be stamped on the tank. BTW; “WC” is water capacity, for those that don’t know.
Not the actual regulations, but a helpful guide;
https://www.campgroundmaintenancemanager.com/PropaneTankFillingMay 25, 2022 at 5:43 pm #2126716Doubtful. Tanks are never filled 100 percent. You might get 16# maybe 17. That’s the same story everywhere
I’ve never had any vender NOT fill my tanks to the rated capacity.
May 25, 2022 at 7:12 pm #2126719I’ve heard you get a little more by filling vs exchange
I believe it’s because of the transportation issue they have to abide by when hauling them. Obviously there’s no way to verify other than weight, but I have been refilling mine instead of exchanging lately because it costs less and I believe I get more.
If the tank is in rough terrain shape, then I exchange it.
Posts: 399May 26, 2022 at 7:06 am #2126748Last time I was at Tractor Supply I asked how many gallons my 20lb tank holds and she stated 4.5 gallons. It wasn’t empty when I brought it in, and she put 3.5gals in it. So I am sure they fill it all the way.
May 26, 2022 at 9:11 am #2126772Can of worms opened here. If you exchange and they use a company like Blue Rhino, yes you get a clean tank. However, a typical grill sized propane tank holds 20 lbs of propane. Literally weighed. If you exchange, you will be paying the same or more as refilling and only getting between 12 and 15 lbs of Propane. They did this a few years ago to fool us into believing they had not increased their prices. Read the fine print, etc. I always try to refill mine, Some Uhaul vendors refill tanks at a good price. I generally use our local Goldstar Farm Service. I also keep a spare on hand so I do not run out while cooking. The add on fuel gauges are somewhat accurate, but not enough to bank on.
May 26, 2022 at 10:09 am #2126801Some refill places sell tank refill cards. If you keep a eye on propane prices and buy the refill cards when the propane prices are low. You can often save a fair amount of $. Often the cards have deals like pay for 18 refills and get 20. I know several Fleet supply stores that offer the punch cards.
May 26, 2022 at 10:23 am #2126804Like others, I refill it until I want to exchange it. ACE has always been very quick with the refills. Last time I exchange a tank it took longer to get the person to swap it than what it takes ACE to fill it. It all depends on how busy the places are. ACE will also fill my 10lb tank and charge by weight.
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