I think it probably is right where it should be. My experience with my older 2XB hull is that IMO, it doesn’t need more bow lift and could probably use more stern lift.
Props with more rake angle are designed to keep from blowing out as you trim it up, bow lift. Since I don’t feel like the 2XB needs a lot of trim, I also don’t feel like the prop needs much rake.
Not sure what you are trying to fix. Does your prop blow out in corners? If so, at how much trim?
FWIW, I’m using a Vengeance 19 pitch on a 2004 T-Pro 175 with a 2014 Merc 150 4S. Going from memory, 2nd hole. I did try a couple other Merc props with more rake. One even lost a couple miles per hour. More rake means more drag on the prop, means less efficiency as it turns through the water. I’d only look for more rake if more bow lift resulted in more speed. Something I personally don’t feel the 2XB needs.
My motor only turns 5,200-ish @ WOT depending on trim and only gets about 47mph, loaded with two plus gear on smooth water. Part of me would like to be able to say it can do 50mph but at what cost?
It spends all of it’s time on Mille Lacs and is usually cruising about 36mph. I almost never run WOT unless I’m trying to beat a storm to shore. Making five mile runs each way can save a lot of fuel costs not running WOT. Do I want to burn 2 gallons of gas or 4 each time out? Times multiple trips a weekend.