Prop Pitch Question

  • Bartman
    Posts: 224

    If are running a 21 pitch on a 175 Suzuki can you get more top end speed by moving up to a 23 for example.??

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    So many factors with props. Aluminum or SS? What is your RPM while on WOT? 3 blades or 4? How many passengers and other weight in the boat?

    I tried tinkering with my prop a couple years ago and after a headache of changes to try and get a little more speed, I gave up. Figured it wasn’t worth trying a bunch of props for the minimal results.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097

    Yeah, with props it’s a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” imho.

    Why do you need more top end? Are you willing to sacrifice hole shot for it?

    Posts: 6615

    Assuming you’re a tournament fisherman?

    If you have a really light load it could be possible.

    What’s your current RPM’s at WOT trimmed up? That information will tell you if you have enough power to turn a more aggressive prop. (You’d currently want to be hitting max [or damn close] rpms to even think about going bigger)

    If you’re not a tournament fisherman you’re better off running at 55-60% throttle.

    As I’m sure you know, outboards running wide open consume a ridiculous amount of fuel. You burn more than twice the fuel to go somewhere in a hurry.

    I found a Suzuki 140hp test data sheet on a 17′ boat for an example. On that particular boat the MPG ranges from 7.9 at cruise to 3.6 at WOT (2.2 X more fuel to go the same distance)

    1. Screenshot_20250126-123603.png

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