Long story made short; I’m repowering my 2019 Lund 1775 with the VMAX 115 SHO. Dealer should have it rigged next week. Does anyone have this combo or something close? Not sure where to start, and will have to wait til at least after 2 hours of break-in sequence before running WOT, so would like to have two different props on hand for test runs.
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Prop for Lund Impact 1775 Sport with VMAX SHO 115
September 21, 2020 at 9:51 am #1974092
I can tell you that my merc 115 proXS on my 1775 Impact performs best with a stainless 13.25x17P 4 blade from Turning Point Propellers.
Next best prop I’ve tested is the 4 blade mercury spitfire (aluminum) 13x17p.
Both are very impressive. I imagine the vmax SHO 115 is similar to my proXS in terms of power output so try starting there!
September 26, 2020 at 8:18 am #1975452Mine must be a rare combo, so I’ll post results here as I go thru the trial runs.
First trial was yesterday, after 2 hours of engine break-in, with a 16 pitch Talon aluminum 3-blade prop, and engine mounted in second hole. Gas tank almost empty (guessing about 5 gallons left), 60 pound kicker on back, running solo. Hit 41.7 mph at 6000 max rpm, WOT. Very good hole shot and low-end acceleration. Prop gripped well on turns at 30 mph (no slippage). Lake was a bit rough, not smooth as glass.
Motor is rated for 6300 rpm at WOT. Next trial will be with same prop but full gas tank. I’m guessing I’ll drop some rpm/speed, and probably go with a 15 pitch for next trial, and maybe even a 14 pitch after that.
Stay tuned.
September 28, 2020 at 9:36 am #1975745Using the stainless 4 blade 13.25x17p I’m getting 42mph with 3 grown men and fishing gear + a full cooler + full gas tank. I think you can achieve more speed with your rig. Our power output with your 115SHO and my 115ProXS should be very similar.
September 30, 2020 at 12:21 pm #1976250Did the second test run yesterday with same Talon 16 pitch prop, but with full gas tank and full rear livewell, and calmer waters. Hit 42.5, 6200 rpm WOT fully trimmed up. Still great hole shot and midrange performance. Going to try the 17 pitch next after dealer gets it in. Will keep the 16 at least as a spare.
Kyle, I’m curious what numbers you were getting with aluminum props?September 30, 2020 at 1:30 pm #1976261The aluminum mercury 13x17P spitfire got me 44 top end with just me in the boat and perfect conditions. I have a thread on this forum where I’m keeping track of all of my data.
I also have an aluminum 3 blade that I carry as a spare. Merc Black Max 3 blade, aluminum. 13x19p. Top Speed 40mph (moderate load, easy water conditions). Improved hole shot over baseline. 5500 rpm at WOT, fully trimmed, 40mph. Cruising 30mph at 3600rpm.
I haven’t been out just me with the new stainless prop yet, but since I achieved 42 with 3 adults, beer, and gear I’m going to assume I can get a bit more out of it. I will say that 13.25″ prop grips much, much better on turns than the 13″ spitfire in my use cases so far.
September 30, 2020 at 2:56 pm #1976304Adding more pitch they they say is 200RPM so the 17 should bring your RPM to around 6000rpm. Id think you want to go lower to a 15p to gain the extra 200rpm to put right at the Max RPM
Hit 42.5, 6200 rpm WOT fully trimmed up.
September 30, 2020 at 4:35 pm #1976349I also thought that going to the 15 pitch should be the next step, but my boat motor mechanic buddy said that with a 4-stroke, it’s best to do most running closer to mid-range rpm as opposed to near top range. Also, dealer thinks I will have a better chance of improving top speed with a 17 pitch. So going to try that first and see.
jim s
Posts: 23jim s
Posts: 23September 30, 2020 at 6:17 pm #1976378You must be able to run for days on a full tank with the 115.
October 12, 2020 at 8:11 am #1978882Still waiting for the 17 pitch prop, on backorder. Have had an adult plus teen in boat and still hit 42, so that’s good and if it’s the best I do, that’s ok with me. Will be out on Petenwell for a week next week, so will see what the fuel consumption is like. Can easily put 15 to 20 miles a day on that body of water if you’re looking for fish, or leaving fish to find fish, which I have a bad habit of doing….you think a guy would learn.
October 15, 2020 at 7:51 am #1979777Sounds like you’ve already learned… you like being out and actively fishing. Nothing wrong with that!
October 31, 2020 at 4:54 pm #1984244So I ran the 17 pitch 3 blade Talon and got the same top speed of 42.5 mph with full tank of gas, solo. However, the rpms also maxed out at 6300, same as the 16 pitch, but seemed to get there a bit quicker. The bow also seemed to ride higher for longer waiting to plane out. So with no improvement in top speed, and a slight loss in overall performance, I’m back to the drawing board. The 17 pitch prop has a diameter smaller than the 16 (13 1/2 vs. 13 1/8). My dealer suggested we try a 17 pitch 4 blade next, thinking it’ll grab better and reduce rpms at WOT,so that’s what I’ll do.
April 20, 2021 at 10:25 pm #2031299OK so my dealer ordered me an 18 pitch 3-blade aluminum Talon prop back in November,and it just came in about a month ago….on a slow boat from Japan. Did 3 test runs under differing conditions and here’s the result;
8 gallons gas in tank, solo, in light chop: 44 mph at 6000 rpm WOTFull tank gas, solo on medium chop; 42.7 mph at 6000 rpm WOT
almost full tank gas, 2 guys, medium chop 41.5 mph at 6000 rpm WOT
So I dropped 300 rpm at WOT from the 16 pitch, and gained a bit of speed. Still a great hole shot and good gripping on turns. The 16 pitch and the 18 pitch props are keepers. Time to focus on fishing.
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