Love those masks!! I make something for the wife…time for her to return the favor.

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Love those masks!! I make something for the wife…time for her to return the favor.
What a great post! I haven’t done anything but prep the boat and fiddle with fishing tackle while waiting for our ice to melt. Kinda feel like I need to step it up. I’m fortunate enough to still be working full time, so can I use time as an excuse?
Keep these coming, I love it! Some seriously talented people on here!
Here’s the sister to the parcher. This is the thrasher. I just finished this two weeks ago. I used this barrel last year on a wooden stand, with a drill. Made some upgrades.
How in the well did I miss this thread??
First of all I’m not worthy to post with some of you guys
. I haven’t had a stick or a gouge in my hand for over 50 years and more!!
Yep, it’s been that long ago.
Steve, your skinning knives reminds me of some from another manufacturer that is inspired from a Youtuber that I watch. But, I really REALLY LOVE the detailed rivet heads!!
Since you say you are not going to “forge” ahead, I assume that your “Damascus” blades are purchased? slacker, lol
Oh, and yo’ Gino, wha’cha hiding under the black tarp, hUH? Inquiring minds want to know, eh?
I’m getting the popcorn and watching this thread!!
My “projects” are always evolving. For almost 40 years I’ve been in construction and split time with guiding/fishing/hunting. Like a ping pong ball I go back and forth with getting burnt out with work also being my hobbies.
However my biggest rush comes from doing the things that people don’t/won’t do or won’t figure out how to do.
I restored an 1890’s mansion “Dr. Swans Home”. Besides custom fabricating Millwork to match handmade Millwork from 1892, I needed to make a replacement maids call button that was missing in one of the bedrooms. The inner button and contacts were 3D printed and the housing was made with making a mold of an existing housing and casting bronze. Ridiculous the amount of hours it took, but a perfect match to the other 7 call buttons in the house. Especially for technology that was way ahead of its time
Another recent rush – I was told that there was no way in heck I could build a stacked deck with roof load AND with double cantilevers AND exceed a 60 dead load, 40# roof load and yet have no more than 1/4” deflection. My engineer about poopped himself when he ran the calcs of my design
Randy –
The deck is impressive but the call button is amazing! Extraordinary detail, perfect finishing. Well done.
Randy –
The deck is impressive but the call button is amazing! Extraordinary detail, perfect finishing. Well done.
Thanks. I probably had 60 or more hours into that housing to get it to look identical with the same wear marks as the other buttons. Labor of love
Randy –
The deck is impressive but the call button is amazing! Extraordinary detail, perfect finishing. Well done.
X2 amazing work Randy
Bullhead Denny,
Yes the hammered steel blades were ordered and I made handles for them but the Damascus and larger knifes are forged by myself.
We’re introducing quail to the homestead. I’m trying to get the pen done before the chicks can escape their tote. It’s gonna be close.
Some of you guys are on another level that would shame my limited handy work. The garage has been organized and cleaned twice already, and I’ve got more time spent on the lawn then all last summer I’d guess though lol.
The wife just requested a “she shed” be built. She doesn’t seem to comprehend the idea that this whole pandemic has created far more work for me than before. When I reminded her of this, she said “well you have more daylight when you get home”
Nice work everybody!
Currently trying to sell our house and realtor suggested a 3rd bedroom would help it sell. So I tore off 9ft of our wrap around deck, cut a big hole in our basement wall and put in a 32×40″ window and window well. Got the bedroom framed up, electric ran, and sheetrock up. Just have to mud, paint, trim, and finish lighting fixtures.
Side note, its amazing how busy Menards has stayed through this whole virus thing
The wife just requested a “she shed” be built. She doesn’t seem to comprehend the idea that this whole pandemic has created far more work for me than before. When I reminded her of this, she said “well you have more daylight when you get home”
Hard to argue that point.
New wheel bearings in the 4 wheeler has now turned into wheel bearings and ball joints, because I broke both uppers removing them (brute force 750, the ball joints suck on these). It’s been fun.
Raised the boat seat with a 2×4. Like it a lot better now.
Going to put together some shooting stands for the yard so I can do some pistol and .22lr practice for this year’s pistol league.
Fishing of course.
Built a reloading bench. Started reloading 10mm.
Started a 40′ x 40′ garden in the yard. Planted corn this week. Everything else will be in a few weeks.
Awesome stuff. I just had the time to reread this and really look at everyone’s posts. I know how labor intensive most of this can be and really appreciate the final results
I should add- fishing, but not catching. Any tips? Just set up my frist lead core rig today to get those deep ones but I have been skunked this year already logging ~30hrs on the water. It’s painful.
Too many for an entire summer, let alone Just April & May. I hope they’ll be all done by June. Mostly small, but getting bigger.
New ceiling fan in bedroom.
Paint bathroom cabinet, then paint bathroom, then new light fixture, then new faucet.
Now we have new decking in the driveway to replace the old, in progress.
New railings next…..
I hope to go fishin today after work provided I can get to the dock before I’m noticed
Nothing fancy, but I got the lift out from under my deck that I got for $50 years ago and carpeted the bunks and put her in for the first time because of the stay at home order. I also replaced the missing chunk of wall from the shared access, filled in the huge eroded part with a couple loads of dirt, and cut and rounded the rusty stakes off that would impale a kid at some point. Did the impeller/gear oil on the old kicker too.
My big project last Saturday was the deck.
The existing one was coming up on 20 years old (from the previous homeowner) and I was hoping to just replace the decking.
Once I started into it I found some of the joists were getting soft on top….screws were spinning.
Then I found some half assed installed flashing….
Then I found some moldy and punky sheathing….
Then some wet insulation…..
My project got bigger
I installed new insulation, sheathing, wrap, re-hung siding, and a new ledger board Sunday and after work this week.
Fun times, but it’s being done right this time
My renter and I have been playing around with some handcut metal art and restoring some vintage tools.
I’m trying to convince him he should sell some of his stuff.
That last one is pretty ugly, but the Hamm’s and MN one look nice and could find buyers.
Turned up a couple more bowls. The lighter one is Box Elder and the dark one is Walnut.
Man those are nice Dave. I have a ton of walnut, cherry, red oak and countless other types of wood I keep saying I’m going to try making bowls. Unfortunately I just don’t take the time to try. I am impressed!
I love seeing all the projects, guys! Keep up the nice work! As for myself… I’m much more of a “Project Gopher” than a Primary Player. Billy would define a Project Gopher as someone who stands around playing with bugs, daydreaming, or maybe reading a book in the project area, but when you need a tool, paper towel, or extra hand to hold something I’m right there at your request! It was a good system. 🥰
It’s going to be rough being the Project Primary now. This weekend, among some other random yard work, I finally dismantled a failed tree growing project Billy and I had attempted a year or two ago. I banged my knee in the shed, scrapped my knuckles on the fence, scratched my arm on some brush, bonked my head on the bird feeder causing bird seed to spill in my hair, and the coup de grâce of my Saturday was dropping a full 5-gal bucket of dirt onto my foot. Spring is going to be rough for this greenhorn. It might sound strange but I have to admit, nothing makes a cool shower and relaxing after dinner more enjoyable than a hard day of physical labor and beating yourself up.
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