Problems charging a Marcum King 18aH LiFePO4 Battery

  • Justin Donson
    Posts: 361

    I’m having trouble charging this battery and can’t figure out why. I bought the battery standalone, it had a full charge on it and ran my livescope for one day, worked great!

    Went to charge it and it won’t charge. I’ve tried my Marcum lithium shuttle charger(1.5 amps), and a norsk lithium battery charger I bought today (2 amps).

    I asked around and someone told me you have to have at least a 3 amp charger for it to charge. Is that true? My lithium charger I bought is only 2a, so I’m hoping it’s just a simple fix like that. Is that a thing though? My assumption was that it would just take longer to charge…

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 4939

    Did you buy it new? Mine came with the charger and it says to only use the one that comes with it….I’ve never really believed that. I use the charger for the king to charge my other marcum brute batteries with no issues.

    Here are the charger specs in the pic.

    1. image-3-scaled.jpg

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