That’s a lot of water, basically the entire pool 3. And yes, it’s all excellent channel cat water. I’ll admit I dont fish much for channels this time off year, but with the water being so low and the current being next to nothing, it may be tougher, or easier, to find channel cats now. With little current the cats might spread out and use more water, making things harder for you, or they may be found in areas with current. Dont underestimate how much current a channel cat likes. They are made for current. So, I’d maybe start looking for the most flow you can.
The areas I’ve been training my lab in have had shad busting the surface everywhere. You may be dealing with fat and happy channel cats, but channels are definitely chowing down now. Keep moving, moving, moving, until you find fish. Also, keep reading past posts, there is a wealth of knowledge on this board.