Random Question:
What’s the best storage plan for Molotov cocktails? Totes? A booze box? I’ve got quite a few whipped up.
Fight fire with fire.
milk crate
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Prepare for Riots
Random Question:
What’s the best storage plan for Molotov cocktails? Totes? A booze box? I’ve got quite a few whipped up.
Fight fire with fire.
milk crate
MPR is doing a terrific job dumping cans of gas as well.
On my way home tonight they played an audio clip of a women from some organization (I honestly don’t remember which one). She said in a distressed and dramatic voice that the guy was murdered and that “Black People Aren’t Safe in Minnesota!!!”
My personal opinion is that resisting arrest and dragging police down a freeway is hazardous to your health in any state.
And maybe even to white people??
(gasp followed by a yawn)
I agree. Every race, religion, gender, whatever should have the freedom to live in this country and do whatever lawful things they feel without fear of another group of people.
But those officers deserve to go home alive too. And people that act the way this guy did need to be dealt with. Choices were made.
MPR is doing a fine job pouring gas on the fire too.
On my way home tonight they played an audio clip of a women from some organization (I honestly don’t remember which one). She said in a distressed and dramatic voice that the guy was murdered and that “Black people aren’t safe in Minnesota!!!”
My personal opinion is that resisting arrest and dragging police down a freeway is hazardous to your health.
Maybe even to white people??
There is this sweet new invention on all trucks. Most cars too, but it is an arrow on the dash that points left or right. Should find it right around the radio or if you have a real sweet truck it might be on your steering wheel. If you push it. Wait for it…..It changes the channel. Push it again and it changes the channel again.
Hold it down and it gets all sorts of crazy on you.
MPR is doing a fine job pouring gas on the fire too.
On my way home tonight they played an audio clip of a women from some organization (I honestly don’t remember which one). She said in a distressed and dramatic voice that the guy was murdered and that “Black people aren’t safe in Minnesota!!!”My personal opinion is that resisting arrest and dragging police down a freeway is hazardous to your health.
Maybe even to white people??
There is this sweet new invention on all trucks. Most cars too, but it is an arrow on the dash that points left or right. Should find it right around the radio or if you have a real sweet truck it might be on your steering wheel. If you push it. Wait for it…..It changes the channel. Push it again and it changes the channel again.
Hold it down and it gets all sorts of crazy on you.
Vehicles have this sweet new thing too. When police pull you over, put the car on P and leave it there….
Did a quick drive by and not a single soul out tonight at ground zero. Doesn’t even look like there’s much for posters or vigils other than a few signs they put up for the news showings yesterday. Wonder if it’s the same over at patrol HQ in Golden Valley.
Either way a nice quiet night over North mpls
Walz, the dfl mayor’s and the elected and non elected leaders in St. Paul have a great track record of handling these situations with grace. All the while quickly, efficiently and wisely making sound decisions. Not worried at all with things in such capable hands as our leaders and the things they are entrusted to reside over.
My daughter (19) asked us last night about going to a concert at 1st Avenue in Minneapolis tonight. She bought a ticket a few days ago and her friend (another girl) wants her to drive. She is not a confident driver in the first place. She is not street smart either. I could drive them, but the last place I want to be after dark is downtown Minneapolis. I asked my wife and daughter if they have seen the news this week. They have not. I believe she will be eating her 30.00 ticket.
My daughter (19) asked us last night about going to a concert at 1st Avenue in Minneapolis tonight. She bought a ticket a few days ago and her friend (another girl) wants her to drive.
She is not a confident driver in the first place. She is not street smart either. I could drive them, but the last place I want to be after dark is downtown Minneapolis. I asked my wife and daughter if they have seen the news this week. They have not. I believe she will be eating her 30.00 ticket.
i just looked out my window and the only smoke i see is coming from the north.
Just have your daughter with white shoe paint write BLM on all her car windows. None of the rioters will bother her thinking she’s a friendly. Wash it off when she gets home.
Good call buzz. I’ve gone to a few things downtown last few years but it’s Uber in drop off at spot and Uber out.
Downtown isn’t scary whatsoever during the day and full of normal folks doing their thing, my 15 daughter often gets around the north loop hennepin area no issues w her friends when its school year, but nighttime on a weekend no thanks even for this city guy. Street smarts pretty important after dark
i just looked out my window and the only smoke i see is coming from the north.
Sorry about that. We’re still celebrating 8/1 up here.
My internet is out – How are the riots? How many dead? Based off the other thread I bought 12 shotguns, 3 baseball bats and 8 handguns in preparation
I peppered the yard with land mines. Give a second I just heard a large boom…
…dang it, who let the dog out?!?
So your saying the George Floyd riots were too over the top ? Agreed
The fact that little fanfare has come from this incident has me hopeful that people are starting to come to their senses about thugs that get what they have coming when you put the life of law enforcement on the line.
I am hopeful that we are entering a different era and can put the nonsense behind us. I think what has likely helped is all of the carjackings and other property crime in Minneapolis that has even the biggest apologists tired and coming back around the defending and wanting the police again.
Good riddance to a terrible time when people would hold vigil for thugs. Like that Winston dude shot at the top deck of the parking ramp in Uptown. How anyone could hold vigil for that guy is beyond me. They were delusional.
I am amazed Ben Crump and the reverend Al have not showed up in town,
I am amazed Ben Crump and the reverend Al have not showed up in town,
This is why the city isn’t burning again.
The last riots were fueled by instigation, there (thankfully) wasn’t enough of it this go-around.
I’m good with that and I’m sure 99% of people in Minneapolis are as well.
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