
  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    This is FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!

    Feral hogs have become an epidemic problem in many states. One major problem
    is their massive reproductive capacity’s. These vermin can easily (and often
    do) decimate entire crops.

    This Texas feral hog shooting chopper “Heli-Hogging’ video is fascinating.

    The pilot has a fixed .223 rifle with optics rigged back to his helmet and eyepiece.

    He’s fairly accurate, as you’ll see, and his Scout Chopper flying skills are down pat.


    Posts: 731

    It shows the problem of these feral hogs. All the hogs shot in that video can be replaced in 6 months due to the hog’s prolific breeding.

    They guy in the chopper is a good shot. Shooting running game from a moving and elevated platform makes from some tough shooting.

    However, my sympathy for Texas landowners is limited because they all bee-atch constantly about hogs, but they won’t let anybody hunt without paying $$$ either. Has anyone ever been on a private Texas hog hunt for less than $250 a day (hunting only, no lodging, food, etc)?


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12325

    Don’t know about Texas but in Georgia and Alabama there is a ton of public hunting area’s that have a almost endless # of pigs to shoot

    Posts: 1552

    I know they have a huge problem in Texas. My uncle went out and did his part a few weeks ago. He said it was a blast.

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