Ya, I’m finding shooting yotes may be my favorite thing in the world to hunt. I’ve come to appreciate turkey hunting more and more also. When I think back on it, this is probably why I’ve always love waterfowl hunting also. It’s the interaction with the critters. I’m a very social person by nature and this seems to be right up my alley.
When I looked down the fence line I was sitting in and saw the yote my heart started racing, yet I felt the calmness of being in the zone. I felt like I did everything perfect short of making a better shot. I believe if the dog laid dead and I didn’t blast away worthlessly the 2nd yote certainly could have come in. I never did investigate where I hit the dog because I was running short on time being Xmas morning. But really, I knocked it off it’s feet and it walked 20 yards from where I shot it and died. Maybe I should have had more confidence in my shot but I couldn’t let a wounded dog walk off knowingly.
I’m headed back to central SD in mid-January. I simply can’t wait to get out there! I’m waiting for that magical double or triple. All my friends have that story, I want mine. One of my friends out there went 6 for 9 a couple Saturday’s ago. That’s a pretty darn good day… So jealous!