SO my ? Is sunday me and two buddys did a set in a fence line we were spead out 75 yards apart I was in the middle in a ladder stand woods behind use 300 acres crp in front of us me and another were faceing crp and another guy facing woods watching are back side I notice two bust out of woods behind us and one was 50 yards behind me me befire I noticed it but coming right at me ao I couldnt spin on him figuring my buddy was going to let one fly all of a sudden he must of seen him move cause that yote looked that way then spun and bolted by the time I got swung around and on him he was two hundred yards and at woods edge so I let him go. Called alittle more and I coulsnt cox him back out how long should I wait till I go try again? And should I set up on a dif fence and use dif calls the next time?
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