NEVER apologize for asking questions. We can always learn from each other. I’m a rookie at this too and look forward to any responses we get. In my past, my uncle did all the work. I was just a shooter. I wish I would have paid more attention back then.
Currently I’m setting up my caller 20-50 yards from me. I try to play the wind so if a dog circles downwind it won’t catch mine. So far, I’m 0-2 for a perfect placement. I was lucky and got the first dog but the 2nd was circling trying to get my wind and I think that is partially why I rushed the shot. That and my heart was just racing!! 
Right now I’ve got a plan to head back to SD next week for work. I’m gonna stay there for an extra 3 days. I plan to hunt hard all day long. I know mid-day isn’t prime time, but I’ll play the odds that covering ground mid day might stir up a lucky dog. Can’t kill them sittin on the couch. Hopefully my learning curve will be steep and I’ll quickly have some quality success that will reinforce I’m doing something right.