DEcoy set up?

  • tapout
    Posts: 309

    HOw far off of your sitting spot are u boys setting your decoy up? Alot of ?s from me cause this is only my second season hunting calls didnt get out much last year always ran dogs. So sorry for a the ?s bare with me I need all the knowledge I can get thanks guys

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    NEVER apologize for asking questions. We can always learn from each other. I’m a rookie at this too and look forward to any responses we get. In my past, my uncle did all the work. I was just a shooter. I wish I would have paid more attention back then.

    Currently I’m setting up my caller 20-50 yards from me. I try to play the wind so if a dog circles downwind it won’t catch mine. So far, I’m 0-2 for a perfect placement. I was lucky and got the first dog but the 2nd was circling trying to get my wind and I think that is partially why I rushed the shot. That and my heart was just racing!!

    Right now I’ve got a plan to head back to SD next week for work. I’m gonna stay there for an extra 3 days. I plan to hunt hard all day long. I know mid-day isn’t prime time, but I’ll play the odds that covering ground mid day might stir up a lucky dog. Can’t kill them sittin on the couch. Hopefully my learning curve will be steep and I’ll quickly have some quality success that will reinforce I’m doing something right.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I wish there was a simple answer, but every set can be very different. 50 to 75 yrds for me is common for the few times I use a decoy or attraction element.
    Where are you located? I know this is a ways off, but we are in the process of getting my seminar scheduled for Cabelas in richfield, WI in mid March. I’ll be talking A LOT about using satalite images to understand the entire landscape of the area your hunting. Then I’ll be breaking down wind, entry, placement. Cabelas wants me to do a 2 hr seminar in about 30 minutes, so I’ll be modifying a lot. My intent is to relocate over to the hunting dept. and talk one-on-one with guys. I’ll have a lot of different maps printed and discuss a lot of strategies I use. If the video attempt works, it will be edited and posted on here following that. But, that isn’t until March. As Kooty said, ask away. We all learn from each other!

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