Predator Calls/guns

  • fish509
    St. Michael
    Posts: 139

    I want to start doing some predator hunting. At this point, mostly interested in coyotes. Down the road I would like a shot at a Bobcat. I don’t want to break the bank on a electronic call unless I have to. Are there manual calls that work, what are the pros/cons? If I go for a electronic call, what features should I be looking for and price range?

    As for weapons, what weapons do people like and why? What are the pros/cons of .223’s/.17’s etc? Does anyone use black powder?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I mostly use a 22-250. I’m rigged for 500+yrds, so the therory of if I see it, I can kill it. Con- close range pelt damage. If I take a shoulder bone, I can get a huge blow out.

    Most .223’s are pelt friendly and great range!

    E-callers – Skies the limit on what you can spend. Min standards up to 50 sounds, programable, and good quality speakers. I’m a fan of FoxPro, but i know guys that make their own with battery powered amp speakers and a MP3 player.

    Hand Calls – I watch the bargin bins and close outs and buy what I can. Every manufacture, different style, or reed design will give an alternate or variation of sound. Sometimes that slight difference is what is needed.

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