Cougar kills horse in Dane Cty?

  • Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101


    DNR is still looking for clues!

    I heard that they are still searching the area for a cigarette butt that the cougar may have left behind.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3532

    It was the wiley Coyotes covering up there tracks to put the blame on big cats. What else would you expect from our Wi. DNR.

    Posts: 6443

    The WDNR has no clue ever

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13709

    In 2009, the cat (excuse me, the un-identified predator) that killed a horse near Watertown, was just a few miles from my house. My daughter had slept over at her friends house that night…next door to the horse stable where it happened at. These kids were playing in the lot of woods just 100 yards from where this horse was killed.

    In Richland County, WI. our neighbor to our farm had a heifer attacked. Throat was ripped open and just a little was eaten off the animal. Grass was too tall and the vegetation was too thick to see any tracks. Unknown predator.

    I found a set of cat tracks along a creek that I fish last Spring. I sent an email off to the DNR with pictures – No response
    Here is a good link to some cat info including identifying the tracks
    Cat Info

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