• abster71
    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Happy New year guys. Well the new year started of with a BANG!!!!!!!!! Went to the boat with the in laws and had supper then came home and relaxed the belly. Getting to be about 11:00pm time to work off some of that supper, so I get dressed for my first full moon yote hunt. First stand nothing, but the night looked great. Second stand produced one dog looking to take a dirt nap came in 25yrds walking right in front right to left going with the cross wind and wack spinner #1 down. Third stand produced a yote walking right behind me 10 yrds didn’t know he was there got my wind and I seen something heading for the next county thinking it might have been a deer or something till I seen the tracks cross mine. Stand four produced another yote in my lap to my right wind was perfect he got straight in front of me and I couldn’t get the gun all the way up so I pointed it the best I could and pulled the trigger shot under him at 12 yrds off he goes, but not fast enough before I followed him with another round from the 250. Looking good three dogs in 4 sets and two on the ground. Stand five nothing. Stand six produced another yote coming dead at me thinking he’s gonna smell me I settle in on him looking right at me and missed and off to the races. I did send a F@$^ you shot at him. Decided to give it some more time and a couple more series of calls and spot movement at the pond a Fox. I lose him in the weeds waiting for him to work the pond and all of the sudden he’s right in front of me in the corn stubble. I bear down and nothing forgot to jack a shell in, tried to do it fast and quite but that didn’t happen man can those guys fly. Ended up calling it a night at 4:20am what a night. Sorry no pics I’m not dragging those things past the first good burial spot.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    sounds like a good night to be out! What calls where you using?

    Posts: 475

    Congrats on the action packed night … I was celebrating New Year’s inside, but it was killing me not to be out. I plan on getting out tonight and tomorrow night, we’ll see what happens.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    distress call I believe it was tweety (black barrel)

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    It sure is fun to have those action packed nights once in awhile. I was stuck here at work till 10pm then off to keep the wife happy…then back to work this morning. Can’t wait to get this project done so I can live life again… Congrats on a fun night!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    I thought about this driving home tonight. Check your regs about night hunting right now. There is a “Holiday” gun deer season open now. Not sure about state wide or only CWD zones. Just hate to see a fine given out….

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