Calling Coyotes in Fields vs. Timber?

  • #208760

    Hey guys,

    I’ve been wanting to give the Yote thing a try for quite some time now and was looking for a little input on where I should concentrate my efforts.

    Do you find that field edges are the most succesful area to call from or can you be successful in the timber as well.

    Also, do you find that most landowners are willing to give permission to Coyote hunt, or would I have better luck giving it a try on some public land??

    SE, MN
    Posts: 462

    I personly find it easier to hunt them in fields. In the woods your vision is limited and the advantage goes to the yotes. You can get them in the woods but i find it much harder. As for land most land owner are very good about letting yote hunters on there land. Yotes seem to be one of the animal land owners don’t want around. The problem with state land is the yotes tend to get called to alot and get very smart. Your best bet is find some open country that has not had any yote hunters on in a long time. Its easy to find just get out and talk to the farmers. They can give you alot of info as to the area of their land they see alot of or hear the dogs. Good Luck

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    In the timber is definitely more challenging. The slightest doubt of any sure bet and the coyote’s nature to cut down wind will so often end your hunt before you even know they’re there. If you must hunt timbers, don’t do it alone. Having additional hunters in strategic areas of your game plan are an absolute must. Anything else will simply be good fortune and happen less often.

    Posts: 5130

    Given a choice, I will take an open field or prairie over timber anyday.

    I came from calling the wide open prairies of the west to the timber country of the midwest. I found out very quickly just how much different it is.

    The coyotes themselves are not any smarter between the two regions, but the midwestern coyotes have the clear advantage over hunters. A coyote in the timber can circle around you and you have no clue they were even there. I have witnessed this many times with coyote tracks over top of my own footprints.

    If you have a situation and the wind allows it, set up in the open and call into the woods. Try to make the coyote come into the open if at all possible.
    Another tactic to use in the woods is to use an elevated position such as a treestand.
    A few years ago, a friend and I sat in a big box blind up in the trees. The blind allowed us to see a lot farther and it also allowed for the calling sound to travel farther. We did have a coyote come into the call on this stand, but it dropped into a ravine but never came to where we could get a shot.

    Another favorite area of mine is open marshes when the water is frozen. The coyotes will use the ice as travelways and will usually present themselves in the open for a shot.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 817

    open draws are my favorite it’s a perfect funnel. also fence lines along open fields hunt food scources that you would think a yote would think a rabbit or mice would be not much different than deer hunting except a yote is hunting you not you hunting him and he’s gonna try and get down wind I try and get a cross wind blowing from my right to left for right handed shooter one main thing if you use scent control for deer hunting keep it up with the yotes even more important. WACKEM N STACKEM

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 20

    As far as gaining permission to hunt yotes.. On the eastside I have found the permission not that easy to gain. Just keep trying! The city folks are way different than rural minnesota people.


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