Nebraska hunting info needed

  • bassmaster
    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Has anyone hunted coyotes in Neb.? I’m being forced down the Lincoln for work and was looking for any info as to if its worth packing the gun and calls. I tried looking on the dnr web page but didn’t find much to answer my questions. What licenes are needed (small game, furbearer,ect.) And is the cost worth it? Maybe I could look up Randy Anderson while I’m there.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I couldn’t tell you what the costs involved are, but when I deer hunted there about 6-8 years ago, there were yotes everywhere. We were by Paxton which is quite a ways west of Lincoln, but they were thick back then. Good luck, I would pack my gun if I were you.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    I’ve got some friends in the Lincoln area, and they said that permission is tough to secure for about anything. I’m sure if you do your homework and knock on enough doors you’ll be fine, but there’s alot of leasing going on down there for deer/pheasants. There’s also alot of renting and corporate farming, making it difficult to get a hold of the actual landowner for permission. I don’t write this to discourage you, only to prepare you! I’m a firm believer that if you work on the permission thing, it will reward you.

    There’s likely more than a few guys that lease and have land for whitetails that would love you to kill some yotes.


    Posts: 5130

    When I was out in Colorado in 2000, a lot of the ranch land around our house was leased out for big game hunting.
    I stopped in and talked to the owner of the ranch about coyote hunting. He asked me to come in the house and he got out a very large map of the entire county, this map was 4′ x 4′ He then started showing me every piece of land he owned and said have at it
    I literally was offered thousands of prime coyote habitat, all gotten just by asking. Another rancher also gave me permission to hunt another ranch that was a couple thousand acres.
    Basically, what I am saying is, even though the land may be leased for deer hunting, ranchers are more than happy to let you hunt coyotes in the off season
    I know if I went back to Phillips County in CO, I could still hunt the same land.

    Posts: 559

    I’ve found the same thing in North Dakota.Everyone will let ya hunt yotes.It gets down to “If ya can’t eat’em we don’t want’em”.

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