Yep, I have tried it several times. To be brutally honest, it is VERY tough and frustrating.
In a woodlands setting, the odds are stacked against you in a big way.
The biggest thing is your viewing degree. The trees and brush limit your field of vision which seriously handicaps you. If you can get elevated you have a better chance.
Many times the coyote sees or smells you long before you see them.
Also, the sound from the calls do not carry very far because the sound is absorbed more quickly by the trees, shrubs, and other objects in the woods.
That isn’t always a bad thing since you can make shorter moves between locations due to the sound not carrying very far.
The type and size of the woods makes a difference as well. If you are in a more open type of woods, it will be easier than the thick type of woods.
I think Dodge Boy calls in wooded settings and takes a few every year so it is possible, just a lot tougher than wide open areas