coyote hunting

  • trump_4
    Cedar Point, IL
    Posts: 35

    Well heres the deal, im doing a project for school and it deals with the specific time of day that coyotes are most active. what do you think? -sunrise
    -after dark

    Posts: 5130

    Most Active? That would be after dark for a majority of the time. IMO

    Milan IL
    Posts: 804

    I would have to agree,night time is when they do the most of there avtivity

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    i’ve had luck at seeing yotes during all parts of the day. but, i’ve only hunted for them about 15 times in my life. last year i went about a dozen times and my best opportunities came on the same day and were at 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. however, the majority of all action that i’ve witnessed is right before dark. it seems like the only time i’ve seen them right at sunrise is when i’m not hunting them. which is lucky for them. i know this probably doesn’t help with what you’re trying to accomplish…. i’m just telling you my experience over the last 2 winters
    my vote is sunset & after dark

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