Eye color

  • robby
    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2833

    Hi all. I have had success calling and killing coyotes and a few mangy fox during the day. My question is for you night callers. Tonight my 11lb mut ran off and I went to look for her with a spotlight. I found her, good thing cold tonight. Anyways, I spotted lots of critters. What color to the various eyes glow? In our areas we have coyotes, fox mostly red a few greys, coons, possums, and a rare bobocat althought illegal to shoot. Any help is appreciated. Thanks fellas! Happy Thanksgiving~

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Sorry. No night lights for me. I just won’t give that one a try.
    I’ve only hunted at night by the full moon (many times though). With snow on the ground and a full moon, you don’t need any artificial lights. It’s almost “daylight” at midnight. ….It allows you to hunt all night long.
    A 50mm objective really sucks the moonlight in – and it will make it seem like the lights are on! Then all you need to do is to verify your target (and what’s beyond).
    Hunting at night can be very fun and very safe if you/everyone just use common sense and a bit self-restraint before deciding to pull the trigger.
    Try it near/during the full moon without lights and see what I mean. I’m sure you’d really enjoy it.

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