I hunted a couple of sets last Saturday evening in E. Pope Co., MN. No moon/cloudy so it got dark very fast! I had no results, but later realized the two locations I set up at had a number of deer hunters hunting the area the week before (Zone 4B). On the way out of each site I found left-over gut piles and one 3/4 eaten deer. I figured the ‘yotes had been eating very well in those areas for the past week – hence the no shows at the calling sites. What really got me pumped was that they all started howling within a few minutes after I got to my truck and it got dark. I know they’re there, I just need their Thanksgiving deer leftovers to run dry. Snow and cold weather will make that all the better now though. Besides, I’m ready to change over to snow cammo. ….It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.