Moonlight Yote Hunt

  • tbird171
    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    Last month during the full moon I finally pulled the trigger and missed. Last night was perfect weather conditions and a miss wasn’t an option.

    First location @6:30pm had them howling as soon as the truck doors were open, figured we didn’t suprise them.

    Second spot my buddy was calling and I was positioned down wind, I heard a whistle and a bark so looked his direction, then he stood up and so did I. Found out the Yote was 15 yards from me and I never seen him.

    Locations 3 and 4 both produced responses, but none coming into the clearings.

    Finally fifth location @11pm, first distress call and immediately noticed a figure ~700 yards away, 12x scoped showed one set of ears, the two more sets of ears entered the glass. They moved down into the rows of corn, heading to the caller, at 125 yards all three stopped, I assumed they were winding the caller, I pulled the trigger on the furthest one in hopes of a second shot on the remaining two, tipped one over but the other two were like lighting.

    It’s a younger dog, but still lots of fun with the red flames blasting in the cross hairs. The .243 put a heck of a hole in her.

    Season’s drawing down until this fall, but I’ve gained some great confidence in shooting and calling abilities.

    Posts: 475

    congrats on the ‘yote… I called in and shot my first this year as well. It has been a lot of fun this year. Having some success definitely tunes the senses and makes you more aware on future stands… good luck for the rest of the season. I’m heading out this weekend to take advantage of the last few snowfalls.

    Posts: 475

    congrats on the ‘yote… I called in and shot my first this year as well. It has been a lot of fun this year. Having some success definitely tunes the senses and makes you more aware on future stands… good luck for the rest of the season. I’m heading out this weekend to take advantage of the last few snowfalls.

    Posts: 5130

    Congrats tbird I love it when things fall into place like that. Good thinking on your part to try and get a double. They can sure turn the afterburners on in a hurry, huh ? I would like to get out a few more times yet this year. They will still be out there and answer calls year around, so maybe I will try and get a few taken out for predator control. They can sure do a number on the young turkeys and pheasants.

    Posts: 5130

    Congrats tbird I love it when things fall into place like that. Good thinking on your part to try and get a double. They can sure turn the afterburners on in a hurry, huh ? I would like to get out a few more times yet this year. They will still be out there and answer calls year around, so maybe I will try and get a few taken out for predator control. They can sure do a number on the young turkeys and pheasants.

    Posts: 1514

    way to go tbird did you find that movie informative?

    Posts: 1514

    way to go tbird did you find that movie informative?

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    WF…definitely enforced a few things…the kid loves all the movies, wife enjoyed the real tree home vid’s. Thanks.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 65

    WF…definitely enforced a few things…the kid loves all the movies, wife enjoyed the real tree home vid’s. Thanks.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    That is great. Moon light Yote hunting. If you have never done, give it a try. That first time I went at night, they started howling very close and it was kind of eerie.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    That is great. Moon light Yote hunting. If you have never done, give it a try. That first time I went at night, they started howling very close and it was kind of eerie.

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