With the snow and the cold temps that have finally arrived in west central WI, coyote hunting should really pick up. If someone were to ask me the optimal conditions for hunting predators, I would tell them right now
Anytime you get a heavy snowfall and below zero temps, coyotes will need to hunt harder and longer to get a meal. Also, coyote activity is actually better during daylight hours as well. A coyote needs X amount of food to be able to survive. The colder it gets, the more food it takes. This in turn equals more time out hunting for food. When there is heavy snow a coyote has to hunt harder to find mice,rabbits, and other rodents. I know I am very excited to get out and hit the coyote hunting hard. Now all I need to do is get enough land rounded up to be able to hunt a full day. I am optimistic that Dodge Boy and myself are going to connect in the upcoming week or so on a few coyotes. So if you are thinking of giving coyote hunting a try, this is your best chance for success. Grab your calls, rifle/shotgun, and some camo and give it a try
February 19, 2006 at 6:04 am