I found this one really interesting. Colorado is starting a ban on gas weed whips and leaf blowers. I wish MN would do this. A giant source of noise pollution. Nothing like a nice summer day in suburbia with a bunch of loud whiney weed wips and leaf boats out there moving dust and grass clippings around.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Power equipment law in colorado
Power equipment law in colorado
Posts: 2000February 20, 2024 at 7:41 pm #2255432This has bothered me absolutely zero times in my many years of living in town .
February 20, 2024 at 7:43 pm #2255434I would rather states pass a law to put mufflers on motorcycles.
Posts: 6615February 20, 2024 at 7:52 pm #2255437Does it apply to people not in suburbia??
Cuz some people like leaf boats
Posts: 1027February 20, 2024 at 7:56 pm #2255438Sounds like you should move somewhere that you don’t have neighbors. Or maybe move to an HOA that has this rule.
IMO the less government regulation in our daily lives the better.
February 20, 2024 at 8:11 pm #2255440This one boggles my mind. How grumpy and crotchety do you have to be to despise a neighbor weed whipping. If I’m not weed whipping, I’m riding the ol two stroker around the yard.
Posts: 4790February 20, 2024 at 8:32 pm #2255448somebody is crabby. thats the sound of money right there for me
February 20, 2024 at 8:58 pm #2255455Fake news. The whole thing is a crisis creation exercise to invent a government gone crazy narrative.
No one in Colorado, suburbanite or otherwise, will be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of a clean driveway and neat edges.
The new rule, finalized Friday by the Air Quality Control Commission, will bar state agencies from using any gas-powered equipment with an engine of 25 horsepower or less during the summer ozone season from June 1 to Aug. 31. Local governments will be subject to a similar summertime rule, but only within a nine-county Front Range region and only for engines of 10 horsepower or less. Both rules will go into effect in 2025.
No private individuals are impacted by the rule. Crisis averted.
Does anyone else find it ironic that Colorado is concerned about smog? Maybe they need to look at fitting catalytic converters to all the bongs and one hitters that seem to be burning 24/7 in Potrado?
February 20, 2024 at 9:18 pm #2255459Fake news. The whole thing is a crisis creation exercise to invent a government gone crazy narrative.
No one in Colorado, suburbanite or otherwise, will be deprived of life, liberty and the pursuit of a clean driveway and neat edges.
The new rule, finalized Friday by the Air Quality Control Commission, will bar state agencies from using any gas-powered equipment with an engine of 25 horsepower or less during the summer ozone season from June 1 to Aug. 31. Local governments will be subject to a similar summertime rule, but only within a nine-county Front Range region and only for engines of 10 horsepower or less. Both rules will go into effect in 2025.
No private individuals are impacted by the rule. Crisis averted.
Does anyone else find it ironic that Colorado is concerned about smog? Maybe they need to look at fitting catalytic converters to all the bongs and one hitters that seem to be burning 24/7 in Potrado?
Good actual read of the rule. I read and interpret government regs for a living so it’s nice seeing others actually read the nonsense the government writes, because for every item like this that will get blown out of proportion by the public, there’s 10 others that should be receiving full attention and are being ignored because muh facebook memes said 2 strokes is illegal in colorado now.
February 20, 2024 at 9:37 pm #2255470I wouldn’t quite call it fake news Mr. Grouse, I was gonna post a link to the story but didn’t think that was allowed. I’m a libertarian at heart, and am mostly against government over reach, but noise pollution is a pet peeve. When the neighbor’s yard crew shows up there’ll be a couple mexican guys out there with leaf blowers for hours, it’s a big yard. I’ll watch them and often they’re just walking around blowing grass clippings in a random manner. I know it’s a little thing in the world, but I definitely notice it. Just like motorcycles and guys who add loud mufflers on cars.
February 20, 2024 at 9:59 pm #2255475Sounds like a great place to move to that already has everything you want. Then you dont have to force everyone to quit living their lives the way they please. Win win for both…
February 21, 2024 at 8:25 am #2255507This one boggles my mind. How grumpy and crotchety do you have to be to despise a neighbor weed whipping.
My buddy has a neighbor that is retired. His form of exercise is to use his leaf blower to clean off the dust from his driveway and yard every day at 8 am to 9 am. (Same time as his daily meeting. Works from home) He also does it in the winter with the snow. I have watched him clean off the snow from his grass in the front yard. Sometimes in the evening he will stretch his legs and do it again. I gave him sh!t about being all crotchety about this for a long time. Every time I am at his house I hear him fire it up and hear it in the background when he is on the phone.
So I get it.CaptainMusky
Posts: 24542February 21, 2024 at 8:56 am #2255519Mine are battery powered.
they make noise too!!!!!
Exactly, cordless doesnt mean they dont make any noise. A cordless leaf blower is pretty dang loud stillFebruary 21, 2024 at 8:59 am #2255521<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
This one boggles my mind. How grumpy and crotchety do you have to be to despise a neighbor weed whipping.My buddy has a neighbor that is retired. His form of exercise is to use his leaf blower to clean off the dust from his driveway and yard every day at 8 am to 9 am. (Same time as his daily meeting. Works from home) He also does it in the winter with the snow. I have watched him clean off the snow from his grass in the front yard. Sometimes in the evening he will stretch his legs and do it again. I gave him sh!t about being all crotchety about this for a long time. Every time I am at his house I hear him fire it up and hear it in the background when he is on the phone.
So I get it.It’s all the old man likes to do, so be it. My neighbors like to keep there lawn and yard in perfect condition, I listen to the crap all week and weekend. Never once have I though it was such a nuisance. Tell him to close the windows when his meeting is scheduled. Life’s to short to complain about every little thing some one else is doing. I’m sure my neighbors hate my dirt bikes and wheelers. But I dont not have any F’s to give. We all make noise that some one else doesn’t like. It’s like complaining about a kid riding a mini bike in his yard for a hour. Who cares.
Posts: 24542February 21, 2024 at 9:01 am #2255523My neighbor probably doesnt like it that I pi$$ outside but that doesnt mean I am going to stop doing it.
Posts: 1808February 21, 2024 at 9:05 am #2255524I could imagine a nice quiet day fishing from shore where there isn’t any noises from gas powered boats going by. I should make a law banning them instead of just fishing lakes where gas engines aren’t allowed or easily accessed. (Sarcasm).
February 21, 2024 at 9:05 am #2255525Life’s to short to complain about every little thing some one else is doing.
100% agree.
I make a lot of noise myself.February 21, 2024 at 10:58 am #2255551I would rather listen to my neighbor to the west using his leaf blower then the neighbor 2 houses to the south puking of his deck every morning for 20 minutes at 8 am. Lucky im usually only home at that time on Monday and Tuesday.
February 21, 2024 at 11:43 am #2255559I would rather listen to my neighbor to the west using his leaf blower then the neighbor 2 houses to the south puking of his deck every morning for 20 minutes at 8 am. Lucky im usually only home at that time on Monday and Tuesday.
Well, I want more details on this. This topic has run it’s course, time to hear what this guy’s deal is.
February 21, 2024 at 12:12 pm #2255569<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JEREMY wrote:</div>
I would rather listen to my neighbor to the west using his leaf blower then the neighbor 2 houses to the south puking of his deck every morning for 20 minutes at 8 am. Lucky im usually only home at that time on Monday and Tuesday.Well, I want more details on this. This topic has run it’s course, time to hear what this guy’s deal is.
He gets sick listening to his neighbors leaf blower.
Posts: 1808February 21, 2024 at 12:27 pm #2255573Is it Monkeypox? I heard you get that if you eat alot of rona infested monkeys. Or maybe its rabies, that’s an important thing to know if that’s in the neighborhood. Ask him if its rabies.
February 21, 2024 at 12:44 pm #2255580He gets sick listening to his neighbors leaf blower.
You should hear his opinion on headlights fishing pool 4 after dark
February 21, 2024 at 1:03 pm #2255584Hes a POS alcoholic wife beating South African who has the cops at his house multiple times a month. One day last summer I was weeding my garden at like 7am I honestly thought he was trying to pull start a weed whip til I walked to the street to see though the trees and it was just him barfing non stop for 5 minutes
February 21, 2024 at 1:49 pm #2255593Hes a POS alcoholic wife beating South African who has the cops at his house multiple times a month. One day last summer I was weeding my garden at like 7am I honestly thought he was trying to pull start a weed whip til I walked to the street to see though the trees and it was just him barfing non stop for 5 minutes
Who the hell drinks all night just to throw it up? Sounds like a quitter.
February 21, 2024 at 2:15 pm #2255599If you can hear neighbors using a leaf blower, your homes are too close for me to live there.
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