
  • bigpike
    Posts: 6259

    Spent a few days on LOTW this last weekend and caught some dandy Pout! I want to eat these delicious fish, from what I hear if properly prepared they are awesome. So Pout night is a week from Friday with 1 of my co fishers is invited over along with my bride. The question is what is the best way to prepare Pout?

    Posts: 120

    Boil in 7-up dip in melted butter and enjoy.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13374

    fry like catfish.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Boil in 7-up dip in melted butter and enjoy.

    The couple or three times I’ve eaten it, it was done similar to this except in boiling salted water and I believe only the loin portion was served. Its very tasty, not unlike its cod cousin.

    Posts: 299

    Pout nuggets, fried pout, pout ettoffe, pout gumbo, pout scampi, broiled pout, baked pout, pout soup etc… Yes forest we get it. LOL!!

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1066

    I’ve had good pout one time. We were pan frying saugers and caught one, fillet it up and tossed it in just like the rest. It was great! We brought one home and tried the same thing. It was not nearly as good. We just let them go now that we dont eat fish on the ice up there.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    I think the fried backstraps chunked up are way better than boiled

    Willy D
    Nipawin, SK
    Posts: 209

    Back straps fried in a thicker pancake like batter with a sweet thai chili dipping sauce, yum

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I have had it several ways and they were all excellent, but there is nothing better than super fresh still floppin. Boiled in salt water and dipped in butter is prolly my favorite way, but still floppin and fried in butter with eggs in the morning is really tough to beat.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    They are much, much better if eaten fresh. Boiling in 7-up is good, but I like Mountain Dew. Dipped in lightly salted melted butter and there’s literally nothing better! Instead of melted butter, I have also dipped the nuggets in homemade “yum yum” sauce (hibachi sauce) and it was excellent.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Take the back straps and cook it on the grill in a tinfoil pan with butter and seasonings (like shrimp scampi).

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