Potential new world record lake trout

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Recently caught in Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado.

    Released to live another day too. Estimated to be nearly 60 years old and originated when the actual reservoir was built.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I also got really bloated off of Kokanee one time…that thing is a TOAD!!!!

    Posts: 952

    I wonder if there is a catch and release record. Since it wasn’t weighed on a certified scale it won’t qualify for an IGFA record.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    What’s crazy is that the lake has no limit for lakers as they want to get rid of them to support their salmon population.

    Posts: 406

    Last year they had a big year long tournement on blue mesa that you got paid for turning in lake trout heads. Its was super low last winter but is projected to get up to 70% full with the good snow year. I ussualy fish taylor res when I am out there but will need to get out on Blue Mesa next time.

    Hopefully this will make the DNR reconsider the stance on lake trout.

    Great area for skiing and fishing out there.

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