Therein lies the problem. It seems like the most frequent users have the most control of who is welcome and who isn’t. For that reason policies are meant to be the guiding light. When the policies aren’t enforced or are enforced differently than what they say, this is what you end up with.
I know well where you’re coming from Matt, that thread was unforgettable.
But it was not as much frequent users’ having the most control because you yourself were a frequent user/contributor.
It was the position of some that established the criteria for who may have “felt” welcome and who didn’t.
Rules or not, it is up to the individual on how they want to digest that. You cannot say “I quit visiting this site because of what someone else said”, because unless you were asked to leave…you decide on your own to no longer participate. You should not blame other’s for decisions you make.
I myself have commented on threads that have turned political, however I avoid the political position.
I certainly don’t always agree with an opinion, position, or stance one may have…but I respect they’re allowed that (rules or not) and move on.
I’m still here because for me, the positives still far surpass any negatives.