Pot stirrers

  • mojogunter
    Posts: 3409

    Why is it that over and over the same members here start thread after thread violating policy, or at the very least skirting the rules no doubt looking to stir the pot. Maybe kick them off the site after a warning to keep this site what it was intended for.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12976

    doah define pot stirrer??????

    i’ve been known to do that………..more or less giving someone a little poke, all in fun.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    I think we are talking about the left vs right pot stirring

    Posts: 3409

    I am sick of the topics started in political nature with the intent to whip people up. Heck, I will send a sarcastic comment from time to time all in good fun. It is not hard to bait many members here, or most places really. It seems to me that several here need to get a new hobby or go fishing.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I think we are talking about the left vs right pot stirring

    Wouldn’t that be clockwise or counter-clockwise?


    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12635

    Once again anyone here who thinks there are to many political and none fishing related topics – Why not just skip past them. Or better yet, go create your own online site and run it anyway you want – Just like this website owner chooses to run his site.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Once again anyone here who thinks there are to many political and none fishing related topics – Why not just skip past them. Or better yet, go create your own online site and run it anyway you want – Just like this website owner chooses to run his site.

    I understand what you’re saying, but even on your catfish thread someone referred to the fish with black markings as a tar-baby. That was definitely an attempt to stir the pot. Eighty years ago it meant being in a sticky situation but I think we all know what it’s devolved into.

    Apple Valley/Isle, MN
    Posts: 614

    Once again anyone here who thinks there are to many political and none fishing related topics – Why not just skip past them. Or better yet, go create your own online site and run it anyway you want – Just like this website owner chooses to run his site.

    From the IDO Terms of use.

    “1) In-Depth Outdoors offers these forums to anglers and hunters of all experience levels and interests. We are here to learn and grow together and to have fun. Be kind to one another. Be helpful when possible and take the time to share your enjoyment of the outdoors with others.

    Members posting rude, inflammatory, hostile, consistently negative or demeaning posts or content are subject to suspension, ban or deletion of the respective member account. In the event that a member’s account is suspended, banned or deleted the posts and or content submitted to the website under that account remain the sole property of the site owner.”

    I think what Mojogunter is referring to as pot stirrers are those posting inflammatory topics.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12635

    I’m sure somewhere in all the Terms of use it says things are controlled by the site owner. Once again its his decision on what to allow or control on his site. The Mod’s here do a GREAT job of keeping control of most situations. There have been posters that have been warned and even removed. I just have a hard time understanding why people want to whine about post they can simply pass by and stay out of. If they are truly unhappy about the content here, they can always stay away or go to another site that runs more like what they want. Or better yet – Create their own website to control.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12635

    I understand what you’re saying, but even on your catfish thread someone referred to the fish with black markings as a tar-baby. That was definitely an attempt to stir the pot. Eighty years ago it meant being in a sticky situation but I think we all know what it’s devolved into.

    I saw that response and simply didn’t want to jump to conclusions or guess what his intentions were with the comment. I decided to not turn it into something political by not responding to it at all. I guess I didn’t want to become a Pot stirrer.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    This has been brought up before and the response us usually, “if you don’t like it don’t click on it.” Hard to argue with that. Mods as well as users have echoed the same sentiment. Im paraphrasing here but James came on and scolded people about a month ago more or less saying if it doesn’t get better he will instruct moderators to perform more cleanup and bans.

    Like you, ive often wished there were less inflammatory posts. Ive also participated in many and worse yet, been a main instigator at times. I think the easiest and probably best approach is whats being suggested – not interested in the subject, move on and don’t open the thread

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I understand and agree with passing on threads based on title, but when it bleeds into a thread that is clearly about some sort of outdoor activity…

    How’s that for a run on sentance, Sharon! rotflol rotflol

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    I understand and agree with passing on threads based on title, but when it bleeds into a thread that is clearly about some sort of outdoor activity…

    This. It’s been pretty common in recent years to scroll through a good thread and have it get derailed and go to crap. It’s worse than it used to be.
    Those who stir poop should have to lick the spoon. Including me at times.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    How’s that for a run on sentance, Sharon! rotflol

    That’s actually an incomplete sentence, not a run-on. wink But it’s all good either way. waytogo

    Technically, my sentence above could be classified as a run-on by some grammar sticklers since I used a comma without a coordinating conjunction (which I do quite often).

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>belletaine wrote:</div>
    How’s that for a run on sentance, Sharon! rotflol

    That’s actually an incomplete sentence, not a run-on. wink But it’s all good either way. waytogo

    Technically, my sentence above could be classified as a run-on by some grammar sticklers since I used a comma without a coordinating conjunction (which I do quite often).

    Haha! Conjunction junction, what’s your function? jester

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    Oh great, those are the ONLY words I know to that song, and now it’s going to be stuck in my head. chased rotflol

    Posts: 1499

    Pot stirring? Thought there was going to be a new recipe.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    The policy violations are likely because some of the mods/owners like to join in, and they are only bound to their enforcement of the rules. It is their site – they can run it how they want because we have free speech.

    It always baffles me how many Nextdoor users get pissy because they feel their rights are being violated when Nextdoor censors stuff. You can find anything you want on the internet guys – safe space, white supremacy, etc. – just go find the place where your text walls are welcome.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    just go find the place where your text walls are welcome.

    Therein lies the problem. It seems like the most frequent users have the most control of who is welcome and who isn’t. For that reason policies are meant to be the guiding light. When the policies aren’t enforced or are enforced differently than what they say, this is what you end up with.

    Do what you say and say what you do. It’s a simple yet effective concept.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Therein lies the problem. It seems like the most frequent users have the most control of who is welcome and who isn’t. For that reason policies are meant to be the guiding light. When the policies aren’t enforced or are enforced differently than what they say, this is what you end up with.

    I know well where you’re coming from Matt, that thread was unforgettable.

    But it was not as much frequent users’ having the most control because you yourself were a frequent user/contributor.

    It was the position of some that established the criteria for who may have “felt” welcome and who didn’t.

    Rules or not, it is up to the individual on how they want to digest that. You cannot say “I quit visiting this site because of what someone else said”, because unless you were asked to leave…you decide on your own to no longer participate. You should not blame other’s for decisions you make.

    I myself have commented on threads that have turned political, however I avoid the political position.

    I certainly don’t always agree with an opinion, position, or stance one may have…but I respect they’re allowed that (rules or not) and move on.

    I’m still here because for me, the positives still far surpass any negatives.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    But it was not as much frequent users’ having the most control because you yourself were a frequent user/contributor.

    Really disagree with this part. I tried to abide by the rules laid out by the site. I too have and had always tried avoid a political position as much as possible. I took a very neutral position in that thread and was called a liberal, a commie or socialist. Then James comes in basically condoning it.

    I see that the number of people calling for either less political banter or simply enforcing the rules is off the charts. I’m not really sure why I picked now to come back here considering the current atmosphere. I have no problem avoiding the topics that become toxic political banter but when someone starts a perfectly legitimate conversation and some troll comes in and derails the topic you started and ends up getting locked, it’s really hard to want to stick around and contribute to this community.

    This is what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum. Given the current atmosphere in the world today, I really don’t see this playing out positively. It’s inevitable that COVID cases will rise again here and that will only stand to create more turmoil in this area and this site.

    I can understand why people want to see an end to COVID and civil rights tropics. But on the other hand I can see why people want to talk about it.

    Just do what you say and say what you do, that’s all I ask.

    Posts: 1707

    The object of starting this thread appears to be to stir the pot.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1763

    Pot stirrers become potlicker ,s ? mrgreen

    Posts: 1

    The biggest problem I see is bad moderation, thus basically agree with Matt’s supposition 100%. You should at least be able to send the individual an email with an warning, or explanation of why they are blocked, banned or marked as a spammer. I even took the time to email and ask the ptb about getting booted and if it was maybe in haste?

    Basically, if you disagree or present an alternative thought pathway, you aren’t welcome here. Oddly, the limiting of ideas by banning folks off the cuff is exactly the opposite of allowing a multitude of ideas as james professed while allowing a political discourse and professing his love of Trump.

    Again, bad moderation is the leading cause of IDO become a closet.

    Posts: 3409

    Well the last thing I have to say about this topic is I guess I proved my point, that is not hard to bait most on this site even if it was unintentional.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I agree with the original poster. Mojogunter should be kicked off for obvious pot stirring.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Pot Stirrers? How dare you, you stick carrier! Don’t insult my religion! I take pride in my cauldron stirring capabilities you anti-neopaganist!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    I’ve mentioned this in other posts. I prefer to remain mostly hands off. I ask for your help in rooting out the posts or replies that contributing members find offensive. Please send me PM’s call or text me. My real phone number is in my profile!! 99% of the moderating I do here is move posts to correct forum. Fix page links. Correct some obvious typos. Most individual posts that I’ll delete have nothing to do with the original topic and have degraded to name calling. Pure SPAM accounts get dusted off immediately. Every election cycle we have these same conflicts of interest. This year is remarkable to say the least. It’s like it June and there is still a foot of snow on the ground! Part of the reason I set up the poll. I want to make sure I understand what IDO members think and how they want to see the site moderated. Lots of great comments. We certainly can do a better job.

    I guess a perfect moderator would never make any posts. Never have a public opinion. Remain some unseen robot behind the scenes editing and deleting posts all day keeping everything and everyone pinched into a tight corner. IMO that will and has killed a lot of discussion forums. For me, given the choice to Moderate or Participate here. I’d give up moderating in a heartbeat. My only interest is what is best for IDO. Not going to get that right every time!

    Again, “In my personal opinion” most all IDO users who end up getting banned have a few things in common. They are extremely intelligent and well educated, but little or no common sense. They have some unfounded belief that their presence here posting on IDO is somehow more important than everyone else. If they were to leave or get banned, the entire IDO world would collapse in short order. It’s not any single post that trips a trigger. It’s almost always what is written in PM’s sent to other Members, Mods or James. So from the outside, an IDO user may think, “I liked that guy, wonder why he got banned?” More than likely it was a PM.

    If this describes “you”, you would be better off creating your own Facebook Group or Website. Run it as you like. P.S – Find good moderators!


    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    thanks for the comment Jon. I do find the section about most dustings were a result of PMs interesting. I was told by a moderator (cant remember which one) that if you have personal differences with someone take it to private message and feel free to call them whatever name in the book so long as it stays in the PM world and not in the public postings.

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