Post #1500 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) – Spinning/Baitcasters

  • #1796859

    I’m gonna keep it nice and simple.

    Favorite Baitcaster:

    Favorite Spinning Reel:

    My favorite caster is either a Daiwa Tatula CT or a Lew’s Mach 2.
    My favorite spinning reel is the Ole Reliable. The Pflueger President.

    What are yours???

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5877

    I recently purchased a new Tatula and yet have to get it to the water. Presidents and the mid/upper line of Shimano, Symetre and Stradic are my go to’s.

    Posts: 7348

    Anxious to see how the spin Tatula does in the winter.

    Otherwise haven’t been overly impressed with any reel, except my president. Just keeps going after many others quit. Been the heavy duty reel on my lighter catfish setup to for couple years now, flat out impressive after several years.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4369

    Okuma Ceymar on my tucr ice rod.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11056

    Favorite Baitcaster is my Daiwa Tatula CT

    Favorite spinning reel is my new Daiwa Legalis. $70 reel and feels like a $200 spinning reel with an incredibly smooth drag.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Spinning goes to my presidents.

    For baitcasting…I don’t do enough of that type of fishing to really give a good response. I have multiple Ambassadeur round reels from C3’s, C4’s and an STX and I like them all.

    This summer I got to thinking about 3-way rigging with baitcasters and picked up a couple Quantum KVD reels. The drag isn’t the best, but the reels work well for what I paid for them. One more summer of trouble free operation and I will look into investing into better reels. I found they were easier to operate when running two lines and letting out line in a rod holder was much easier.

    Sean Solberg
    St. Paul
    Posts: 107

    Baitcaster: Daiwa Tatula SV. If you are tossing much larger baits, I love the Calcutta 250 size reels

    Spinning: Currently my favorite is the Daiwa Ballistic LT. My Shimano Symetre reels are starting to show their wear/tear, but they were an incredible reel for the price for a long time.

    Posts: 3696

    Casting: Daiwa Steez SV TW
    Spinning: what’s that?? (Haha, President)

    Posts: 2860

    Could’nt decide on favorites so i’m sticking with the trusty canepole.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5877

    Could’nt decide on favorites so i’m sticking with the trusty canepole.

    bow Ya Cane’t go wrong there! applause

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    I recently purchased a Tatula 2000 spinning reel and used it on the river last week. It’s the smoothest reel I’ve ever owned. If it holds up like other Daiwa reels I have owned it will be hard to beat.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Tatula SV

    As for spinning I’m not the one to ask. Mine need to pull double duty with good seals, so I go with Penn, a proven salt reel.

    I can tell you I do not like Quantum spinning reels.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11056

    Tatula SV

    As for spinning I’m not the one to ask. Mine need to pull double duty with good seals, so I go with Penn, a proven salt reel.

    I can tell you I do not like Quantum spinning reels.

    I haven’t had good luck with Quantum reels either.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I do like their baitcasters, but the spinning reels I have issues with the handle and the inside gunking up, not to mention my drag clicker broke. I am taking it apart for the second time in a half year. I hope it is just grease build up in one spot. The last time I cleaned it out and it was smooth again…but when I was putting it back together I was afraid I put too much on the gears.

    I have and accurist and a smoke baitcaster. The accurist is a bit heavy, but a work horse. Heck I still have a Quantum Iron sitting around, I’ll probably convert that to salt bait reel.

    Posts: 3696

    I would add the Curado 70 to the casting list. I prefer the Daiwa Tatula SV if casting really light lures or skipping… otherwise the C70 is a compact dream to palm all day. Smooth, great ergonomics and performs well. Same price as Tat.

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