Portage at Kettle Falls

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17487

    What Can Visitors Expect at Kettle Falls:
    When crossing from Rainy Lake to Namakan Lake:
    • Boaters will be required to drain bait containers, live wells, ballast tanks, bilge
    areas, and any other water holds on vessels and equipment.
    • Be prepared to transport caught fish on ice from one lake to another.
    • Have a plan to maintain bait once bait containers are drained.
    • Trained staff will decontaminate all boats (including canoes and kayaks) with a washer using water heated to 140° F.
    When crossing from Namakan Lake to Rainy Lake:
    • Boaters will be required to drain bait containers, live wells, ballast tanks, bilge areas, and any other water holds on vessels and equipment.
    • Be prepared to transport caught fish on ice from one lake to another.
    • Have a plan to maintain bait once bait containers are drained.
    Portaging across the Kettle Falls Portage from Rainy to Namakan Lake without decontamination or portaging from Rainy Lake to Kabetogama Lake via Gold Portage is a violation of the law. The violation is a Class B Misdemeanor and violators will be subject to enforcement action with penalties of up to 6 months imprisonment and/or a $5000 fine for each offence.


    This will effectively shut down travel between the lakes.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    It won’t shut down travel totally, but it will certainly make things alot more difficult. I’m glad my camping trips are all on Namakan this year to let things shake out, but it won’t stop me from making a week long camping trip in the future to the far east end over the portage.

    The draining of bait containers will make taking leeches tougher but not impossible (they can take an hour in an empty bag thats on ice in a cooler and mostly survive). Probably will be fishing crawlers alot more most likely. Maybe those camp sites down that way will be easier to reserve now (gotta look for the tiny silver lining).
    This will be a major pain for anyone that day-trips tho. I wont be up to Kettle Falls til July 4th weekend, I am sure I will hear from Rick at Kettle how this is affecting things.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    forgive my ignorance but i think i need some back story to understand the significance of this. Im assuming this is a new law this year? Why are we now being asked to drain bait containers and ensure fish are dead before transporting between lakes? Due to the close proximity to Canada? Is it only from Rainy to Nam/KAB or the other way around too?

    Posts: 9299

    forgive my ignorance but i think i need some back story to understand the significance of this. Im assuming this is a new law this year? Why are we now being asked to drain bait containers and ensure fish are dead before transporting between lakes? Due to the close proximity to Canada? Is it only from Rainy to Nam/KAB or the other way around too?

    Zeebs confirmed in Rainy. Will the silliness go away when they are confirmed in Nam and Kab?

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Zeebs confirmed in Rainy. Will the silliness go away when they are confirmed in Nam and Kab?

    Awe. Now i get it. Likely not

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17487

    20 years from now they will have been confirmed in 99% of Minnesota waters. Millions will have been spent to stop them, yet the waters will be the cleanest in history.

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