Portable Battery Jumper packs

  • belgianbuctail
    Posts: 21

    Looking to get one of these for our son this Christmas. Issue is he lives in Colorado but will be back home here for Christmas. Can he get this home on his flight? I am thinking he should be able to carry it on like a lap top. May have to just take it out of his bag like you do with a lap top. I have thought of shipping it direct but momma wants a gift under the tree.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3413

    not sure what type of jump pack you are looking at but the couple I own are lithium. You can bring lithium-ion batteries on a carry on according to the TSA’s website. If you wanted to play it safe, you can always get him the gift and ship it to his home so he doesn’t have to travel with it. Depending on how many other things he wants to bring back with him, he may not have room with it in his carry on and shipping it may be the way to go.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I hope its a NOCO. peace

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I have a NOCO in the boat. Jump start only. For the car, I have a multi-purpose unit. Starter, air compressor, lights, USB port. Not sure if NOCO makes a multi-purpose unit?


    Posts: 24606

    I dont believe they do make one with an air compressor. Not that I have seen anyway. The NOCOS do have lights and ports however.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    I bought one for each of my sons for Christmas.
    Yew, lights and ports – don’t know about the plane ride however.
    LOVE it!
    Have one in the truck and it goes in the boat every time with me. Have had to use it twice ( once on Rainy this summer when I was by myself – thank god!!) and with other people at the dock.
    Starts my 2010 F150 no sweat
    Great gift! I bought the little plastic ammo boxes at Scheels w the handle and the rubber seal on the lid for like $9 and put them in there.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    In theory, TSA and FAA rules allow batteries up to 100 watt-hours to be carried on as hand luggage “if suitably packaged and protected”.

    In reality, you’re just asking for trouble. ESPECIALLY during the busy holiday period.

    As always, with any specialty/sporting items, it’s not what the rules allow. It’s down to what the individual TSA agent knows ABOUT THEIR OWN RULES.

    Once you step outside of the usual situations with liquids, knives, nail clippers, etc, etc, you’re on shaky and highly-variable ground as far as TSA agents really knowing and applying correctly their own rules. Now you throw in the fact that the jump pack will be rated in AMP hours, NOT watt hours as the TSA rules state, and you have to have an agent that can do a conversion (BTW, divide watt-hours by voltage to get amp hours).

    So you see the problems? Add in that it’s one of the busiest travel times of the year, long lines, the labor shortage, etc, etc, etc and what are the chances your son will get the TSA C-team that doesn’t know the rules or how to use them?

    Why make this harder than it needs to be? It’s a great gift idea, BTW. Send the gift to his home and get him another small gift to enjoy while he’s here.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    They literally will not fly them to Hawaii… they have to go by boat. Ask me how I know… doah

    Posts: 24606

    They literally will not fly them to Hawaii… they have to go by boat. Ask me how I know… doah

    I remember you saying that before. Very strange.

    Posts: 24606

    Why make this harder than it needs to be? It’s a great gift idea, BTW. Send the gift to his home and get him another small gift to enjoy while he’s here.

    Good advice.

    Posts: 21

    It is a NOCO I am looking at. Reviews seem solid but I have no experience with them. Might have to grab one for myself

    Posts: 24606

    It is a NOCO I am looking at. Reviews seem solid but I have no experience with them. Might have to grab one for myself

    Yeah they are great. I have one of the larger ones. Not cheap, but they are very durable and actually have heavy duty cables/clamps unlike many of the ones you see out there. I have run my Engel bait aerator off it for multiple days without charging.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Noco is the best and yes get one for yourself, you don’t need the biggest one they make but I would buy one in the middle.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    NOCO isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, they just have the best marketing and distribution.

    I’d personally go with an Audew first if you push it towards the higher end of capacity. My Audew has handled house boats in the local marina, tractors, a compressor truck, a boom truck at work, without hiccup.

    Posts: 4800

    X2 with Bucky. I ended up buying a Gooloo brand after watching project farm. Haven’t had to use it yet

    Posts: 188

    I wouldn’t risk trying to take them through TSA. I do a lot of traveling for work and bring a lot lithium batteries. We stay compliant with the regs, but you never know when a security agent isn’t as familiar. Not worth the hassle in my opinion. Basically exactly what TFG said lol.

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    We run 8 Noco’s at work. They are great. Warranty is as well if you have problems. We use them daily.

    Posts: 9189

    X2 with Bucky. I ended up buying a Gooloo brand after watching project farm. Haven’t had to use it yet

    X2 I bought a GooLoo (what a name!!) from the PF video and it’s been good for 2 years.

    Posts: 114

    Great deals on various models right now for Cyber Monday. I saw some Gooloo ones on Amazon for 40+% off.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Great deals on various models right now for Cyber Monday. I saw some Gooloo ones on Amazon for 40+% off.

    After reading this I did some research on the internet. Amazon has some great deals right now on the NOCO ones. I ended up getting one at 40% off.

    Posts: 21

    Great info everyone. Thanks for the info. I am thinking a ship direct is the way to go.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    My NOCO GB150 will jump a totally dead, 2 battery Cummins in -15′ cold… and then proceed to jump about 50 more dead vehicles sitting in the storage lot. Yes, they are that good. Can’t speak to any others mentioned, but why would I change now ?! cool

    (as far as advertising, never seen any ads for them… they are just known in the auto repair industry to be the best. They need to compare the big ones, not the minivan GB40) smirk

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    How many dead batteries does anyone need to jump?-Anyway I have the NOCO and like anything, once you have it you don’t need it-owned for a year and have not used it, car or boat.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I dont believe they do make one with an air compressor. Not that I have seen anyway. The NOCOS do have lights and ports however.

    Not sure what tpye or brand Jon uses but here you go.

    Posts: 21

    How does the charge hold up on these units while kept in a cold truck all winter? Or is it something that should be brought in each night?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    How does the charge hold up on these units while kept in a cold truck all winter? Or is it something that should be brought in each night?

    I wouldn’t say they need to come in each night, but if your truck is parked outside for months on end it’s definitely going to impact the charge. One of mine rides in my truck 24-7, another bombs around between the fishing boat, the tritoon, the wife’s vehicle, the sheds with equipment, and some of my buddies vehicles on trips. I charge them when I remember…probably once every few weeks in the winter if kept in the cold

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    How does the charge hold up on these units while kept in a cold truck all winter? Or is it something that should be brought in each night?

    I set a recurring reminder on my phone calendar to charge the jump packs once a month in the winter. That appears to be more than enough as the are both still at 95% plus even after sitting for a month.

    These things are just awesome. My 12 And 14 year old kids were getting driven home from school by their grandma. They spot a teacher’s aid in the parking lot with her hood up. 12 year old jumps out and hooks up the jump pack and had the car started in 3 minutes. So much easier and safer than jumpers.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    How many dead batteries does anyone need to jump?-Anyway I have the NOCO and like anything, once you have it you don’t need it-owned for a year and have not used it, car or boat.

    In my kenworth I deal with 4 between truck and genset

    Erik Swenson
    Posts: 515

    (as far as advertising, never seen any ads for them… they are just known in the auto repair industry to be the best. They need to compare the big ones, not the minivan GB40) smirk

    Ugh, I resisted the temptation to digress further into this thread, but I happen to love my GB40. Not everyone needs to jump start a fleet of jumbo jets… jester

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