I made the trip to Port Washington based on some improving reports this past week and concerning weather forecasts. Milwaukee is where I normally fish, but I didn’t here much this past week and deeper water take a lot longer to reach in the ridiculous fog.
The fishing did not disappoint! The fog- what a pain in the butt, initially! Started the day crawling out to 85 feet of water straight east of the Port Washington gap and started setting lines. I knew from the previous weekend and reports to just set deep. The first line in was the Depth Raider rigger and blue flasher/aqua glow fly that has been hot- if you can use that term this year-for me this summer-60 down 15 back. Water temps were low to mid 50. Second line in, wire mag glow dipsy, 115 lOC with same FF as the down rigger. Bam! Down rigger fires with a 200 ft screamer and as we start to get a handle on it in the foggy dark, the dipsy screams. First double of the day! We swung the first fish aboard by hand as the battle on the dipsy raged on! I reset the down rigger and the B.I.L battled the second fish. 25 minutes later we had recovered the 400 feet of wire that had screamed of the reel and then had hand lined the 20 foot leader to the net. 2 nice mid teens, egg filled kings to the boat before we knew it. A quick deployment of the dipsy and we were off to setting the remaining 4 rods. By the time we had line 5 deployed and behind the board, the down rigger rod popped again. Before we could get it out of the holder, the wire dipsy rod doubled over and we were doubled up again in the dark. Landed the first, a smaller king and lost the dipsy fish as it charged the boat as the dipsy got close to the surface. I sent the down rigger back to the abyss and no more removed my hand from the drag and it fired again. Another nice, fat king. What a work out to start the day!
A hint of light was starting to show through the fog to the east so the sixth line was switch from the spoon I had originally intended run was switched to a mountain dew/ glow flasher and frog fly and sent out. We no more had it set when the 200 copper blue knight went off. Another screamer that would have us clearing the 250 copper and turning back on the fish as it had taken 2 runs for 400 feet of line. As we got back to the copper, the down rigger fired again. Two more kings that would make it aboard. And another double! A quick re-deployment and the 300 copper fired. Another nice female king. The 250 copper would fire as we started deploying the previous line and then the dipsy. Doubled up again! Lost the dipsy fish to a broken treble hook and landed another king on the copper. Finally the second down rigger down 75 with a like FF setup would fire for the ninth king in the box.
A short time later the same down rigger would fire and the fish was gone before we could get to the rod.
With the exception of the first two fish that came quickly in 85 FOW, most of the action happened between 100 and 135 FOW. No specific trolling direction was hot, finding and working cold pockets of water was key, and the fish seemed to prefer speeds of 1.7 to 1.9 on the depth raider. One hit at 1.3 as we had slowed to recover some line and turn on a screamer.
This was by far the quickest action trip of the year. I wish I would have had more time to boat that 10th fish for the 2 man limit. The fish on the right in the picture is a 25.6 pounder being weighed by another fisherman. What a beast that was!
August 24, 2014 at 12:35 pm