Pork jerky ? Anyone made it before ?

  • Deleted
    Posts: 959

    I cut a pile of pork tenderloins up (1/4”) for loin chops that I usually marinade in Italian dressing and grill. I decided to try to make some pork jerky tomorrow,so here it is in the brine til morning. Anyone made this before ?

    No, I don’t need the meetings, as my brother often suggests. We have another fridge with food in it. 😜

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    For pork jerky, dehydrate, smoke or grill it? At 1/4″ I cut thicker for BPT. What are ya gonna do? I’ll grab my popcorn and grab a seat and wait to see!

    Posts: 5307

    That’s a Beads approved fridge right there!

    Claws, Busch, pork and OJ, what else a guy need?

    If you say there some crown in the freezer for bumpers I’ll lose my mind

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Bass Pro used to offer a maple ham jerky. It was my favorite.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    yea i did it once. will i do it again, yea, am i in a hurry to do so……no.

    i bought a boneless pork loin, sliced it brined it and did the dehdrator thing. it was OK. i used the carribean jerk and hickory marinades from LEM!!!!!

    Posts: 959

    Started with the smoker for two hours then I put them in the dehydrator. Gonna check them each hour now til I think they are done. So far they look great, smells fantastic !

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    Posts: 959

    Just tried a piece …. this is going pretty great so far. Flavor is better than the only other pork jerky I’ve had (New Albin,IA)

    Gave it two hrs in the black box w/ hickory & apple smoke at 170….. then into the dehydrator at 160 now to finish.

    Just used thin sliced pork loin and back country jerky seasoning & cure packet into a wet brine overnight.

    I may have crown, dark Bacardi rum, makers, vodka & even some apple pie Stashed away in the garage.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    When making jerky, how do you know when it is done? I like soft jerky versus shoe leather jerky and I always wondered where that fine line of being done was?

    Posts: 959

    You don’t want it to flop, don’t want it to break off when you fold it. Find the middle ground. This took 4 hrs total and I am happy as I could be with how it turned out.

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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Well I’d at least say “It really looks moist and yummy!”
    I agree I don’t like hard tac, I don’t mind a bit oa a chew and I wouldn’t want it to chew like a beef tenderloin cooked to 130 degrees either.

    What is the advantage to putting it in a dehydrator as opposed to turning down the smoker to the needed temp and letting it finish in there. I guess I’m asking what does the added tool do that cannot be done with what you already have? Heck put a little fan attachment into the smoker.

    Posts: 959

    Denny – short answer (my laziness)

    Long answer- it was pouring rain here today and I decided I had gotten wet enough, running from the heated garage to the smoker ….to add wood, adjust air intakes & rotate racks. That’s the only reason I didn’t let it rock out in the smoker til done. A little easier to just finish it in the dehydrator,in the garage, so I could get the final product I was looking for.

    My smoker is a straight stick burner (insulated) and works great but I’ve learned a few shortcuts.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Denny, my answer is a little different than Thomas’. Doing it right requires a lot of air flow. Some that do the entire thing in the smoker rig up a small computer fan to pull air through the smoker.

    Posts: 959

    Super Dave….I agree. Just that where my smoker is, I got no electricity and it’s a wood only setup. I have cracked the door to increase air flow but the heavy rain yesterday didn’t allow that. It worked out.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I think that a little smoke time and finish in the dehydrator is the perfect way to go.

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    It doesn’t matter how it gets to the finish line as long as it tastes great!

    Posts: 959

    After two days in the fridge with no lid to let the cure do it’s moisture recovery thing…… it tastes even better. I will stick with this jerky process and definitely do it again.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Super Dave….I agree. Just that where my smoker is, I got no electricity and it’s a wood only setup.

    I get that and understand!

    After two days in the fridge with no lid to let the cure do it’s moisture recovery thing…… it tastes even better.

    You jumped the gun and left us holding the bag Thomas! Why oh Why, ??? would you reel us in after setting the hook and leave us without a paddle bawling and an empty net??

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