pop up

  • AaronMoore
    Posts: 229

    looking to get a new pop up, I use the eskimo quickfish2 and it a pain to get in and out of plus it just too small tbh, I’m looking at the otter cabin (new walk throught door) and the eskimo 250 or 350XD. I fish by myself so I dont need anything like 450/lodge size.I did see some issues with otter door wire poking throught the fabric and poles for the door, but any issues I such look at for Eskimo?

    Posts: 1292

    Eskimo Hd are great. i picked up one last winter and got my dad the small version that he can handle by himself. The no trip door no matter how lazy you think it is works well. My dad took a spill last winter on red from tripping on the fabric just not lifting high enough but that is getting tough on him with all the clothes on. I think all brands are similar I have not had any problems so far.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    They both make great products. I would advise going to the ice show or somewhere and checking them out in person. I was looking at the larger ones and thought I knew what one I was going to buy. After seeing them set up and walking through them I changed my mind. It had nothing to do with quality. Just layout.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    ive always been an otter fan, and still own an older cottage flip over, but when it came time to buy a new pop up last year i went with an eskimo 650XD. I too heard about quality issues with otters pop ups, although im sure they both make great houses.

    I love my eskimo. The quality seems terrific and i had no issues with it last year. One consideration is if you think you might ever want to sleep in it maybe you think about going bigger. I camp with 2 people in my 650XD

    Posts: 1292

    You will also get a deal at the show at least 20% off if not more if you pay in cash. That’s how i’ve bought my bibs over the years and some other needed products.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8973

    I would go to your nearest store that carries both the comparable Otter and Eskimo you are looking at to see your preference and NOT purchase one.

    I would then scour online for Black Friday deals coming up. I know there are discounts to be had at some of the ice shows, but that takes valuable free time parking $, and dealing with far too many people for me to get the same or even less of a deal with added expenses of going to the show. Some websites offer a blanket % off, some have specials on certain shacks and so on. I bought my current Otter pop up this way and I think got 20% off and free shipping to my door from Scheels.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Quickfish 3i continues to be one of my favorite shacks I’ve ever owned. Just camped in mine for deer opener over the weekend. Perfect size for one person to camp in, or for 2 people to fish in IMO.

    I’ve owned quite a few different hubs shacks over the years:

    -Old Plywood and canvas 8×8 suitcase: my first, very very heavy, pretty cool shack though. Would not recommend with more modern options

    -Clam non-insulated popup (forget model): this is where I learned I’ll never go without insulation again. The dripping was horrendous.

    -Frabill double hub, insulated: got on a super duper deal, sold before ever using it. It was a massive double hub and more than I needed at the time. Construction seemed pretty decent.

    -Clam 6 pack insulated: we keep this at the cabin for when we have bigger groups going out. Nice shack, got it for a really good price. Kinda heavy for a hub but it is a double hub with a ton of space.

    -Ice Runner Escape: very cool shack, wish they would incorporate modern poles and make them in USA. Love the concept though. Gave this one to my dad after I used it for a season. It’s so light but provides half a floor which is great. Fabric is nice too.

    -Otter Cabin flipover: great shack, my favorite at the time. Sold to upgrade to Pro X-over model

    -Otter Pro X-over Cabin: Very nice, very warm, looking back I would skip the X-over upgrade and keep the regular cabin. Pro is heavy, and I don’t like Otter’s side door system. But it is a great shack. Currently listed for sale since I only used it one time last year and probably won’t use it once this year.

    -Eskimo Quickfish 3i: My favorite one man shack and cold weather camping setup (again one man only). Also good for fishing 2. Not big enough for more than 2 IMO. Durable, replacement parts available, good insulation, black interior if you want to spear fish.

    Posts: 229

    went to see what I could find today, sportsman’s/scheels and cabelas. Only could see the otter and liked what I seen. Need to find a store with a eskimo set up. Wish we had a ice show here in Colorado

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    I have the older resort where you are required to lift your feet when exiting, but weather fishing by myself or with others, great house for 1-3 people. It has held up well in all climates on the lake, and taking down in frigid temps is a breeze. Eskimo is making great products that I have fished out of, but do not currently own any.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    X2 on the Quickfish 3i

    Perfect 1 man hub

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2212

    I picked up the Otter Vortex Pro Cabin last year and it works well. No issues so far. Perfect size for me. I fish solo the majority of the time, but handles 2 people very well. Easy set up and takedown. I really don’t think you can go wrong with any of the current hubs from the big 3. Pick the one that has the features you’re looking for.

    Posts: 2014

    I have the 250 XD and fish two out of it comfortably . No complaints there . Fished three out of it and it got tight .

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    I have the non-insulated Quickfish 3 (my first ice shelter starting out, owned for about 15 years) and I agree it’s a good size for one or two people fishing. If solo, there’s plenty of room for gear. The insulated version can be had for a good price. I saw $250 at BPS doing a quick search. However, if I had to do it over again, I’d probably get one of the XD’s with the full size doors to avoid tripping and missteps going in and out.

    Posts: 8

    IMO the Eskimo Outbreak XD series are the best hubs on the market. I own an OUTBREAK 450XD and an OUTBREAK 250XD [both purchased in DEC 2021]. The “no trip” door was a game-changer. The overall build quality is great and the StormShield™ fabric performs well. I have had no issues with either unit.

    My thought process was I would run the 250XD on solo runs – I used it 1X. I end up taking the 450XD even when fishing alone. Be sure to pay attention to the collapsed size and weight specs of these units as you shop. These are not small or light shelters – be sure you can handle loading, unloading, transporting to & from the lake, as well as traveling over the ice.

    One of the regulars in my ice fishing group bought a new Otter Vortex Pro Lodge last season. It is nice, but I would rank it a bit behind my 450 XD in terms of workmanship and material quality. Not sure which is the 3rd best hub series out there (after Eskimo Outbreak XD and Otter Vortex Pro), but IMO it is a very distant 3rd.

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