Name My Brewpub – What’s Next?

  • bnihart
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 26

    The pub is named and now I have to get my conditional use permit from Wabasha County. If that happens, construction begins and hopefully, beer will flow in the spring of 2011.

    Grand opening announcements will be made via both. Thanks for all the help!

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    The pub is named and now I have to get my conditional use permit from Wabasha County. If that happens, construction begins and hopefully, beer will flow in the spring of 2011.

    Grand opening announcements will be made via both. Thanks for all the help!

    –conditional use permits are not easy to get in wabasha county,unless you have 4 generations buried on the hill

    Posts: 9311

    Here’s to everything going as it should.

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 245

    Where in wabasha county?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 26

    The pub will be in Reads Landing. I own the old Anchor Inn building right along the riverfront. This is the old 2 story building right on Water Street. As you come into town from Lake City, it is the first left down the hill.

    In regards to having 4 generations buried “on the hill”, I currently have 3. I hope that is enough. This property has been in our family since the 1930s. My only problem here is that they are buried in Lake City.

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