Saftey and Courtesy

  • Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Although water levels are lower and the amount of debris is decreased, still keep safety in mind. I was talking to a guy at the landing last night that hit a can. Didn’t do to much damage to his skeg or prop. However it did break the mounting bracket. Snapped one side of the bracket clean in half.

    Also I heard a story of two guys getting into a fist fight on the water over a spot.

    1. Wish I could have been there to watch.

    2. Really??????????? It’s that big of a deal?

    On top of that I heard another story of a self proclaimed tournament fisherman getting all worked up when someone drifted just outside of casting distance. Let’s remember it’s public waters and we all need to play nice.

    I don’t want to have another bad experience like I did last spring…..OK FULL THROTTLE GUYS. A little courtesy and patience goes a long way.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Also I heard a story of two guys getting into a fist fight on the water over a spot.

    They are just walleyes.

    It’s too bad these isolated incidents tarnish fishing. I do believe that it’s folks that don’t follow websites (mostly) that have the problems.

    But that’s just one man’s opinion.

    Posts: 3

    I second the call for courtesy. I too was accosted by another fisherman this past week for using my electric to go around his boat well away from where he was anchored. And BK, he actually is a regular on this site and may have been the first place boat in the FYB! Common courtesy isn’t so common these days! While this may be my first post to the site, i watch it regularly. It is a great site and resource. Off to the river…

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 23

    A little courtesy goes a long way. You never know when you might need someones help out on the water. These examples are why I only fish P2. Its catch and release and everyone help eachother out to catch some big fish. Its closer to the city and a nice part of the river. If you are not keeping then don’t deal with the guys that think its only “their” river.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Sorry your first post was this subject.

    Good luck fishing today. Don’t forget to give my FD some crap at Everts today!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Welcome to the posting side of IDO, GSP!!

    I was out Monday and the spots holding fish were full of boats. Everyone got along, the guys drifting, the guys at anchor, and the guys dragging. If I get too close to someone by accident or just cause that’s how close it gets sometimes, it’s a good time to strike up a short conversation.
    Nothing keeps the blood pressure down like a quick joke, a comment on how you like their boat, or how nicely their dog is behaving.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’ve heard some stories from P2 also…but your point is taken.

    With all the boaters on Pool 4, the “angry guys” make up less than one percent. I don’t recall the last time I was out and heard an angry word.

    I could never understand the folks that judge their worth by the number or size of fish they catch…be it walleyes, catfish or whatever.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Exactly Mr. Ceye! I like your post better than mine.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors GSP!!!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    All you river guys squabbling about bottom feeder ‘cat holes …. very entertaining…..


    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895


    I’ve heard some stories from P2 also…but your point is taken.

    With all the boaters on Pool 4, the “angry guys” make up less than one percent. I don’t recall the last time I was out and heard an angry word.

    I could never understand the folks the judge their worth by the number or size of fish they catch…be it walleyes, catfish or whatever.

    I somehow doubt it’s specific to any one spot on the water.

    Once had a tourney guy tell me I had to move because I was in the spot he wanted to fish, tourney or not I told him that he could have the spot just as soon as I was done with it..
    I’ve had a guy back troll into my boat in Canada, had some buzz by me closer than I’d consider safe (10 yards at full throttle) and people set up so close I could spit into their boat, but ya, its a small percentage of the people out there, I’d say more than 1% but then again, we remember the ones that pi$$ us off more.

    I try to stay away from others, I get near them and things happen, both from them and me (sorry about the jig on your anchor rope, whoever you were) so I stay away when ever possible.

    Little common courtesy goes a long ways.

    Central MN
    Posts: 104

    I am all for safety and courtesy on the water. It gets pretty close on P4 sometimes but that is just the way it is. I did get a little upset when some JERK came cruising up from behind us during the FYB on our way up to the dam in the fog. Yes he did have a bigger motor and bigger boat, but he was not being safe. As we got close to where boats started setting up he got along side us and when a boat appeared out of the fog he cut right in front of us going as fast as he could soaking our entire boat. Can’t remember the temp. that day, I just know I was head to toe ice until about noon that day. Not a good start to a fishing day. Hope he felt good to get to his spot 20 seconds earlier than if he would have waited and went in behind us, being he only went about 100 yard farther up river. My brother pulled up to him and had a few choice words to the guy, probably something everyone up by the damn heard. He didn’t even look our way, nor did he apologize. Just smiled and turned his back on us. I felt like dumping my minnow bucket on him, but that would have been a waste of good bait. We had fishing to do and that was the only thing that brightened that day. Even though we did only boat one nice sauger.
    On a better note:
    Good luck fishing and Stay SAFE,

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    sorry about the jig on your anchor rope, whoever you were

    Now that’s funny.

    Posts: 193

    well gsp if you think that you were in the right going between a anchored boat and the shore, i would say that you were the one being rude. with only my boat on the spot would it of been so bad to go around on the outside were we were not casting? as far as what was said i believe we asked why you would go between us and the shore and you said i didn’t think you could cast that far. well after fishing below us and watching us i think you knew the answer and was not curtiouse enough to go around.

    steve k
    buffalo co. wi.
    Posts: 219

    very well put brian

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    I have fished with GSP-he is a respectful guy, knows what he is doing, and looks out for situations like this. I have a hard time believing that he would go between a shoreline and you unless he knew that you were only working the seam further out from shore, rather than the shoreline he apparently passed on.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I dont think 1 person can give the Full Throttle feild a bad rap. Alot of great people fished this tournament last year and it was a really fun series to fish. It’s pretty sad and people like that should know that in the spring on pool 4 people are EVERYWHERE and they will be fishing by you. If you dont like that and cant deal with it, your best bet is to just stay home. If you can have fun and fish and BS with other people CLOSE by then pool 4 is the place to be in the spring. If not your couch is calling.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    With all that said…..I what pisses me off it people that cant control some old POS boat that get so close that I have to push them away from my boat that I worked my off for. I normally try to stay away from the crowds but sometimes the hot spots are hot. I 2nd the driving between a anchored boat and shore is a no no. Same with trying to drift through anchored boats like I saw today or anchoring in drifting boats. I have no problem with fishing in close quarters and often enjoy BSing with people while fishing. But people need to use their head in some situations. And yes if some one runs into my boat some mighty fowl language is going to fly!

    Posts: 3

    Said boat was anchored 30 yds from shore and they were not fishing within the 5 yards of shore that I passed through. They were fishing off the back of their boat in the current seam. Had I seen them casting right up on shore (and I looked), I certainly would not have passed that way. Had I went around the outside, I would have powered up the big motor and would have crossed through the seam they were working. I thought I was doing them a favor by quietly slipping by the inside of where they were working. I give people out there more room that most people. had I known they had taken ownership of the water between their boat and the shore, I may have chose differently. I would likely make the same choice today having observed the same area they were fishing. Everyone can speculate on right or wrong here, but what is for sure is that an expletive laced tirade was not needed. If that 15 seconds it took me to pass you ruined your day, well good.

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    I would think there’s nothing funnier than two adults face slapping the crap out of each other for a stupid fishing spot. (I’m tee hee ing imagining that while trying to type this)
    So please, next time anyone sees something like that, get it on film and post it with this thread.
    BTW, does anybody else keep a ‘billy’ in their boat?

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733


    Everyone can speculate on right or wrong here, but what is for sure is that an expletive laced tirade was not needed. If that 15 seconds it took me to pass you ruined your day, well good.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    I wasnt saying what you did was wrong. You used your head and did the right thing you cant keep everone happy out there but there is some that fish down there with no regard for others. Or others expensive boats. I also dont agree with tournament fishermen thinking they own the water but, these guys have a lot of time and money involved in the day. I realize a day of catching fish for the fun or food is priceless but put yourself in their shoes. Certainly with some of the bigger events down there, theres thousands of dollars on the line. I think most people on here arent the people were all irritated with.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Good grief guys!

    As it was pointed out to me just the other day by a very wise Pool 4 fisherman that has won plenty of scaly fish tourneys…from Everts to the dam is just over 1% of the fish-able water between the dam an the head of the lake.

    I’m certainly no expert by any means but the few guys I know that catch a lot of big fish don’t fish around the crowds. Of course they don’t tell me WERE they do catch them either.

    Last I checked fishing was to be fun and enjoyable.

    But then I guess it comes down to what’s important in life to the individual. If one or two walleyes were missed because a boater (in most cases not knowingly) passes too close…well, I’m afraid they are going to wake up each morning poed at the world anyway.

    Here, have a beer on me. Sounds like you could use my last one more than I.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1095


    but what is for sure is that an expletive laced tirade was not needed. If that 15 seconds it took me to pass you ruined your day, well good.

    You handled the Douche-baggery better than i would have. I might just have dropped anchor right there on shore and had lunch.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 61

    The greatest thing about the internet is that any one can post what ever they want and if they are trash talking some one else and they don’t see it they can not respond, well thanks to a few pm’s I was informed of the current situation.

    I would like to get out the facts and if I am wrong GSP please correct me:
    1) We were the only boat anchored on the entire stretch of water that you were fishing.
    2) You more than once used your trolling motor to get close enough to cast perpendicular to our boat at which time I cast directly in front of your trolling motor. I guess that would answer any questions if I could cast that far.
    3) You might not have seen me cast to shore-True. Why would I show you where we had already caught some fish?
    4) I swore at you-not exactly. I swore in a question to you when I asked “Are you f…… seriously going to go right threw where we are fishing instead of going out around us?” Your reply was “Sorry I did not think you could cast that far.”
    5) There was “30” yards between us and shore and there was 28 miles of Pool 4 open water outside of us.

    My recap which may be way off goes as follows- only boat anchored on the spot “30” yards from shore, no one else within sight except for your boat. You had 2 choices go between us and shore or go around the outside-you went inside and then actually fished even with us which means going outside was the same distance.
    If I hurt your feelings when I asked you my question then I would have to apologize. I do not own the river but I guess you do, go and fish where ever you want I am sure no one else will say anything to you.

    Posts: 1564

    I have to defend Booner on this one. Ethically, an anchored boat IMHO should have the right of way everytime, pretty easy to see the “range” no matter what side of the boat they can cover, which knowing Booner, would be fishing shallow for eyes. That being said, I have seen crap go on P4 that would have people thrown in jail on our local lake–and I am not talking about the fighting or bickering, but the need to fish right on top of one another. Talk about inner city fishing elbow to elbow, it is literally parallel parking!!! It’s true, there are lots of fish on these community holes, which will mean lots of fisherman–but let common sense rule the day and treat people how you would want to be treated. Really, this is no different than one guy putting out his ice shack and the rest of the world follows.
    Sometimes, you have to urine in someone’s coffee cup in order for them to get the point–but physical altercations should come with a cell phone call to the sheriff.
    It’s easy, you think your life is in danger, dial 911 and give the dispatcher the guys boat number and state.
    Put too many rats in a box and there is going to be a fight, fishing, inner city driving, etc, etc, etc.

    good luck to all the tourney and regular fishing guys this weekend and remember your manners.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    If that’s all that was said I believe it was a bit of an overreaction to go into Everts ranting along with complaining on the Internet!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9362

    Hey Cougareye……..


    Nothing keeps the blood pressure down like a quick joke, a comment on how you like their boat, or how nicely their dog is behaving.

    That’s not my dog…that’s my wife

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574


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