New to Pool 2

  • kdwhit
    Andover, MN
    Posts: 2

    I’ve fished pool 4 before but I’m looking to get on the river closer to home. I plan on launching at the 494 ramp this saturday (if its open by then). Is there anything to watch for? Navi hazards? I’ve never been on this streach of the river before and whould like to have as much info as possible before I head out. I picked up the mississippi metro river guide at the sport show. seems to be quite a bit of info in there. Any of you pool 2 Vets have any thing to add?

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Everybody has been kind of sidelined for the last couple weeks. And this is a time of year I really struggle on 2. Pool 2 doesn’t have that great congregating spot like the dam at Red Wing. The Ford dam can be alright; but it is not comparable to the Red Wing dam. So If I was going out this weekend I would probably fish seams just downstream from spawning areas like Minnehaha, Minnesota River, Pigs Eye Lake. Good luck and welcome to IDO.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Good luck out there. Hope 494 is open by then. Take it easy your 1st trip out and keep it between the cones. Like Joel said no one has been out in a will due to high water. It will be interesting to see what has moved around on the pool.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I would bet on it being open by saturday. Checked it last night and the most of the fishing pier is above water. Couple more feet and the concrete divider should be visible. yay

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 23

    Hey guys. I hope it is open by Saturday. I called the city of St. Paul today and they said that Lillydale, Hidden Falls and Water Gate marina will not be opened this weekend due to “cleaning.” I was a little upset with the person on the phone considering I walked down the Hidden Falls park and there is nothing to clean up. It seems to me that the city really takes their time when it comes to opening the launches back up.

    Is the 494 ramp a city owned area?


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Yes it is and it sounds like it may be open. Hopefully someone can get by there tomorrow and check it out. South Saint Paul is pretty good about this stuff as far as cities go. I figured if a few people would call them and put the bug in there ear the ramp would open. Try doing that with st paul and see where you get. St paul park I dont know about but from years past they seem to have a itchy trigger fingure about shutting down Lions leve.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    494 is open and pretty clean! The city cleaned up all the mud. Heading down there to spend the night on the river with the family. Should be fun! Going to see how it goes. Looking to hit Pigs Eye and pitch some plastics!

    Andover, MN
    Posts: 2

    Well I made the first trip on the river with no problems.. 494 ramp was in good shape. fished 5-6 spots up river with no luck. Nice day and even though we didnt catch anything we enjoyed seeing the sites.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Glad to hear you made it out there. That is the 1st step to learning the pool. Ive talked to many over the years that dont even seem to get threw that step.

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