Mississippi river scum-any tricks?

  • lookin4fish
    Posts: 109

    I still have what i consider a newer boat (07), and since it is my most prized toy, I spend a little too much time trying to keep it clean and in good shape. Since the majority of my time is spent on the river, I end up brushing the hull down about once a week to get the brown/green scum off (it has a white hull). Much of my time is spent anchored for cats, so I get a pretty defined scum line on the hull that takes much more than a rinse to get off.

    my question is if anyone uses marine wax, and if this is worth the time for the benifit. I will probably buy a buffer to spead up the application, but if it really is not going to save me time in the long run, i will spend the money for something more fun that boat wax and a buffer! dose anyone have any tricks other than wax to keep the hull looking clean?

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Just use vinegar and water mix after you get boat loaded and wipe down takes about 3 min and works awesome.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Are you talking glass or tin? I know a great chemical for taking the green off of the toons. I will try to locate it in the a.m. Have not tried it on a glass boat.


    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    The vinegar and water works wonders while the boat is still wet. If you really want to baby that finish…use a micro fiber towel. For stubborn stains and gunk try Simple Green, just spray it on and if it’s a bad stain work it with a soft rag…then rinse with water.

    For a plastic windshield or motor cowling, I use a product called PLEXIS, I get it for the windshield of my motorcycle and my helmet visor. It will not craze the plastic or polycarbonite and cleans and shines it like new, and it is safe on paint…wonderful stuff…and don’t forget the micro fiber towel !

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Simple, stop fishing for cats.

    Actually thanks for asking the question. I have the same issue and question.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547

    Any particular strength? 50 – 50 mix?

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    The vinegar and water works wonders while the boat is still wet. If you really want to baby that finish…use a micro fiber towel. For stubborn stains and gunk try Simple Green, just spray it on and if it’s a bad stain work it with a soft rag…then rinse with water.

    For a plastic windshield or motor cowling, I use a product called PLEXIS, I get it for the windshield of my motorcycle and my helmet visor. It will not craze the plastic or polycarbonite and cleans and shines it like new, and it is safe on paint…wonderful stuff…and don’t forget the micro fiber towel !

    I use all that stuff

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    I mix a little less than 50/50 my boat is black and I have major issues with waterspots. I found this meguires car wax that helps but it was still a major pain. I went to a US marine store and they have some product line called ducky. This stuff works amazing you still have to spend some time at the carwash with the scum lin but after its like a spray wax and wow does it work. I havent tried any of their other products but im sure they make something for the scum. Any one have a trick for cleaning boat carpet? Becides the pressure washer? I have a big stain from a pop.

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I run 25% water, 75% vinegar. I don’t like to scrub, and using a little higher concentration of vinegar seems to make it easier to just wipe it off.

    Posts: 109

    thanks for the input. with the vinegar trick, since i usually get off the water around 2-3am, i dont really feel like washing the boat off when it is wet after loading up. do you think it would work to use vinegar after a pre-rinse a few days after it has dried on?

    also the Plexis stuff…I have persistant water drop stains on the motor. it sounds like this will help get rid of them?

    so from what i gather from the responces, waxing will not help with the scum accumulation problem when i go out fishing. is that correct?

    I did not state it before i have a aluminum boat that is trailored, not left in the water.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    It is a little tough when it is that late and getting off the water. I take a damp towel and quickly run around the boat usually that scum line comes right off when it is wet. For me it is faster then washing it later. The vinegar trick is awsome works very well. Wax to me is more to protect the paint from fading, and make it easer to clean later. OOOOohhhhh like shiny things.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    2 old bath towels in the back of the truck.Each guy takes a side,done in 1 minute. PS GET OUT OF THE WAY IF THE RAMP IS BUSY!!!! to avoid ramp rage of coarse

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    It is a little tough when it is that late and getting off the water. I take a damp towel and quickly run around the boat usually that scum line comes right off when it is wet. For me it is faster then washing it later. The vinegar trick is awsome works very well. Wax to me is more to protect the paint from fading, and make it easer to clean later. OOOOohhhhh like shiny things.

    I assume everyone has the same gas overflow issue when filling up that I’ve experienced. Does a good wax job in the area of the gas cap help protect if any overflow occurs and runs down the side of the boat?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4558

    I am thinking SHAMWOW

    John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    I routinely wait a couple days before cleaning my boat. I only do it every three or four times out. I just got back from having it sitting on the dock at Evert’s for a week. Boat looks horrible. It will be a couple days before I can get to cleaning it. I will still be done in 10 minutes and the scum will wipe right off. Always does.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Gasoline takes wax right off. I would recomend a paint sealant done properly laquer thinner barely takes sealant off.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    I have the overflow problem on my boat also. By the time you can hear it coming up the pipe its too late….Very annoying. Ive been drying my boat with a water blade and absorber. If you have a dark boat watch drying it before getting the scum off at the car wash, all the dirt in the towel will cause swirl marks.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    I have the overflow problem on my boat also. By the time you can hear it coming up the pipe its too late….Very annoying. Ive been drying my boat with a water blade and absorber. If you have a dark boat watch drying it before getting the scum off at the car wash, all the dirt in the towel will cause swirl marks.

    I washed to boat last night. It’s black, so I now know that I need a shammi. Water spots darn near glow on that thing. At least it looks better than it did.

    Regarding the gasoline burping up. I usually take a handful of paper towels and wrap them around the nozzle and cover the mouth of the hose when I’m filling up. That way when it burps up, I get very little if any on the side of my boat.

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