Redwing… “ringworms or live-bait”

  • hawger
    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    James Holst and I went to the river at Redwing, early Friday morning before daylight… to “catch” the early bite! James got the boat he had just got all cleaned up to try to sell…all dirty for nothing. The fish were not going. it was slow. The fish that would snap at a ringworm were very small, none of which I could call a nice fish. And did not slam it, rather just a small “peck” could you feel. Soon we had enough of that! So, it was back to Everts to get live bait! Steve filled our bait bucket while I played with his new black lab puppy “Ziggy” (man, that pup has some sharp teeth… my thumb looks like I have been “lip-landing” walleyes….and what a cute little pup, just the right size to fit inside your jacket).

    The live bait did not work any better for getting the bigger fish. But the Sauger seemed to go better for minnows, much better than than they wanted ringworms.

    I did manage to get one nice fish. I am not sure what it was… but James took a picture. It looks kinda like a cross between a shark, a pair of cowboy boots, a submarine, and a vaccume cleaner! It had lips just like a gal I went with in high school… Oh well, it was a great day to get on the water and we did have a beauty of a day!


    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    I second that report…spent about 3 1/2 hrs on the river this morning with little success…maybe thirty fish caught 5 in the 14-15″ range…too many shad.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    You went with a shovel-nose sturgeon in high school??? She didn’t give you the old “Somehow, somewhere, someway, someday, when you least expect it, expect it, I’ll find you again” speech did she? LOL! I’ve got to see your yearbook!!!

    Say, I don’t know if my claim on the fish is correct but that’s my guess. Good size snout, much smaller than it’s lake cousin, hide like a cowboy boot, resembles a shark………..I’m thinking it’s a shovelnose. I forget who posted it but this last spring I remember someone here at FTR asking where he could find some of these critters and said they were good eatin’…………………sounds like a call for swany!

    Pool 2 on Friday had better quality fish but the numbers weren’t that great…………… bites on ringworm.

    Southeastern Minnesota.
    Posts: 221

    never…never did i know a girl like this in school…. as far as eating one….Stillakid… I think that reciepe was for Sheepshead!!!! and thanx for the reciepe!!!!

    mn. anoka co. forest lake
    Posts: 19

    After all these years I think it’s ok to say, I took her to the prom,like a woman with big lips. It looks like a white sturgon, I used to catch out in washington, we could only keep them under 6 feet, so once in a while I had to cut a little of the tail off.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Last I read, white sturgeon aren’t native to the Mississippi so I don’t think that’s it. The whities are the ones that grow to astronomical proprtions out west aren’t they? Where’s Carp Chaser when you need him?

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Shovelnose sturgeon for sure. I catch quite a few of those on the Chippewa river. And yes they are very good to eat. Now cleaning one is something else.The limit used to be 10 on the Chippewa river but they reduced it to three I think last year. I asked last spring if anyone new a better way to clean them and I think James said Chainsaw or something similar.

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608

    I am wondering just how big these fish get? Hawger

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I believe the record for Wi. came out of the Mississippi and it weighed like just under 4 pounds. I probably should carry a portable scale as I’m pretty sure i’ve caught them close to that in the Chippewa River and who knows maybe even ate the state record.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    State record in WI is 7lb 5oz. Caught in the mississippi in vernon county in 1998. State record for MN is 5 lb. 5 oz caught on ole miss in goodhue county.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hey Steve, Are you sure about the Wisconsin Record Shovelnose Sturgeon. I thought it was under 4 pounds and I had to go and look it up. The Wisconsin DNR site lists it at 3 pounds 13.9oz, 31.75 inches caught on 05/31/1998 Mississippi River Buffalo county. Where did you look it up at maybe conflicting data or something. Either way I think thats a record that could fall to someone that would target that species. Looking at being over your way once the weather warms just a little bit more. We’ll come over in the middle of the week so less boats out. Catch you later Steve.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    My guess would be that that was the previous record, cuz the 2002-2003 WI Regulations book has the 7lb 5 oz. record dated on 9/7/98, the one you were refering to was caught in May of the same year. I would guess that the weight never got updated on their website. I know I have seen many shovelnose bigger than 4 lbs the last few years….who knows, somebody has probably thrown the record back. There are a lot of people who don’t know the difference b/w the two.

    Washington, Ia.
    Posts: 231

    I looked long and hard at that picture. Which one is the shovel nose?………………………..heaheaheahea

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 608



    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    That photo with all that blue water and fishing in just a shirt sure makes me homesick for a nice day on the water. Any chance of a ”Sweat Your Butt” tournament coming up?!?

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