Pool 2 & 3 rehab work

    Posts: 304

    I’m not sure whether or not this has been posted before but,does anyone know anymore about this?Talked to a CO a few years ago and he mentioned North Lake as a future project like this,yet it is not mentioned here. I for one hope this comes to pass.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Just remember. “Managing Fish Populations” means different things to different people. Especially people who claim to be protecting the environment.

    There was no defintition of the term and it is used frequently. Does it mean eliminate sport fishing? Does it mean stocking? Groups like this always make my stomach turn a little. You hunters should be a little concerned too. Sounds like they want to turn the whole area into some wildlife santuary.


    Posts: 470

    I clicked on all the links within your link and I did not see a single thing that sounded harmful or detrimental to the future of sport fishing…quite the opposite. Sounds like a group that wants to clean up the river and its shorelines. What’s wrong with that? Afterall, it is clean water that has made pools 2,3,4 the fisheries they are today.

    What part do you “hope comes to pass”??? Heck, they even discuss the need for recreational opportunities, and go so far as to time their clean-up after the duck hunting season and enlist the help of hunters and their boats. What is the harm in that?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    I read it. Sounds positive to me. Didn’t see any reason to sound the alarm yet.

    Posts: 304

    The post is being misinterpreted by some.Yeah,you should always be cautious for those hidden agendas but,from what I’ve read,it sounds like a good thing.Hence the , to go along with the title. The , was in reference to North Lake.A once upon a time icefishing goldmine,that along with many other backwaters on pool 3,are no longer what they used to be.My apologies for the confusion.

    Posts: 470

    Now I understand…I thought you meant comes to pass as in goes away. You mean you want it to happen. My bad!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The members of the Dakota watershed district are appointed, not elected. They do not need to answer to voters. Yet, they are spending public money. I’m alway scepticle of these arrangements.


    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    I think its good that these waters are getting some attention. It does worry me about what may happen to these waters also. Right now there seems to be a huge push to eliminate hunting on pool 2. Im sure the duck hunters felt the clocks winding down on there hunting spots last season. Slug hunting for deer from what I can tell is done on pool 2. What will be next in the name of saving these water. Are they going to be saved for all or just a few?

    Thanks for posting the link to this information. I was unable to open anything other than the main page.

    Hastings/ Northfeild,MN
    Posts: 179

    I know im noy the only RIVERRAT to grow up on pools 2,3 and be one of the few to think as far as duckhunting goes which i have done a ton of on these pools needs more resting areas for water fowl but they need some kind of food source. As far as the fishing i would rather they leave that alone they need to control the over flow of all the silt because it has ruined the vermillion, there are way more sand bars all the way to Red wing than i can remember!The Amry Corp dredged a channel into Mud Hen slough which held some good fishing and hunting 15 17 yrs ago and maybe longer im that old ! 32! Us RIVERRATS tend to like all the obstructions on the mighty MISS!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13380

    My thoughts are they needs to start with some serious work on the MN river first to control silt. What does it matter if they make changes to these pools if they are just going to get silted in again from the MN.

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