Brian, I think you should narrow your scope on what you believe a ‘net’ should be. Are you talking a standard ‘gill net’ or a seine.
From my experience, a ‘gill net’ won’t suffer much external loss. Once it’s caught in the net it won’t be released until the commercial fisherman removes it.
A seine on the other hand can suffer a large loss. What’s acceptable loss? I’d say that depends on the point of view. Personally I’d say zero loss is acceptable, but I’m not so naive to believe that scenario exists.
The amount of loss can be largely dependent on how soon the fish are removed from the seine and how tightly packed they are in the net. Both of which are subject to the operator. A guy who’s really on the ball and has a truck ready for transport might not have any loss, where someone who’s waiting on a transport truck might lose a percentage of their fish. Like I said, what’s acceptable will come from a certain point of view. Any commercial fisherman worth his salt doesn’t want to lose fish, it tends to cut into their profit.